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Posts posted by NYC-FL-TRANSPLANT

  1. Sorry I haven't responded to the last few post. I have been moving for the last week and just got my internet up and running.

    I will get the wet hair combed back pics once I find the camera. I have about 10 more boxes to go!


    Thanks to everyone for the help/suggestions.


    I will contact feller and see about going in for a follow up

  2. While typically I would not involve myself into this situation that seems to be arising let me clear some of the smoke which may be of help.


    I am very happy with my results of the transplant. I do not expect ANY Dr. to make me look like I did before, and I don't think I would go see one that would claim to be able to do that. I will go back to Dr. F for a second when the time/money is right, my personal money, not his fees, which I hink are fair being that my experience there was very professional and made me feel at ease which in the case of an HT, can be a little unsettling out of the fact that most people what to keep it on the dl.

    Did I think it would be thicker, yes, I THOUGHT it would be but really don't have any reasoning behind my expectations other than wishful thinking or the fact that I am an optimistic person and I sometimes hope for things that may not be possible.

    When I said I wa tackling 1 thing at a time, it simply meant that I would address the issue at a later time and get peoples thoughts on this forum as I did with my initial question.

    The whole point of this forum is to help each other, as a community, with different ideas and experiences that we have each personally gone through so as to possibly help another person with a similar issue.


    I do plan on going to Dr. F again for a consultation and I will ask him his thoughts on the overall outcome, in his opinion, as a surgeon.


    To attack the doc over this I feel is a bit sophmorish as he is a doc, not god. You do the best with what you have to work with and hope everything falls into place after that.


    As many people mentioned, I am going to wait 6 more months or so and see if the hair changes any which seems to be the consensus here.


    Thanks to everyone thats has helped, it is most aprreciated!

  3. Yes, I am 1 year out, June 6th, 2007 was my surgery.


    It does not stay down when combed EXCEPT, when I go out to do stuff, I use my girlfriends "bed head" styling stuff to knock it down. It;s some kind of thick/heavy stuff and I put a lot on in those 2 areas.


    It will stay down using that for awhile but to be honest, after a few hours, it seems to creep back up.

  4. I have tried letting it grow longer but since my hair is curly, it gets bushy. If I keep it shorter (not short, just shorter) the rest looks good it's just the 2 side parts which throw me off. If I use some type of gel stuff, I can tame it down but I am not a big fan of that look so I just don't know what to do.


    I don't want to have to have another surgery to fix the issue since A.) I don't have the money because I need hair more on the top of my head now B.) It's not that bad to most people, it's just something that bothers me tremendoulsy

  5. 1 year ago transplant, 1800 in receding hairline


    Never lost ANY of the transplant, at least that you could see which I was told it would fall out then grow back.


    Now, the transplanted hair grows upwards only so it looks like I have little Horns.


    It's a bit funny, yes, but also a bit concerning since it cost me $6000 and bothers me tremendously although I am happy overall with the transplant.


    Anyone know what I can do to "tame" the hair?


    ***I had a great experience with the doc (Dr. Feller) so I in NO way think it is his fault. I am just wondering how to fix my own problem. I am actually planning to go back to Dr. Feller for my next transplant.

  6. 1 year ago transplant, 1800 in receding hairline


    Never lost ANY of the transplant, at least that you could see which I was told it would fall out then grow back.


    Now, the transplanted hair grows upwards only so it looks like I have little Horns.


    It's a bit funny, yes, but also a bit concerning since it cost me $6000 and bothers me tremendously although I am happy overall with the transplant.


    Anyone know what I can do to "tame" the hair?


    ***I had a great experience with the doc (Dr. Feller) so I in NO way think it is his fault. I am just wondering how to fix my own problem. I am actually planning to go back to Dr. Feller for my next transplant.


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