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Posts posted by C2E

  1. The procedures were strip. About 2000 grafts each. The first procedure covered the front 1/3 of my head and the second has covered the middle of my head. My crown is now the area I'm thinking about having done next.

    I was told it was alright to have the second HT only 2 months after the first because we were transplanting into a different area.

    Bad Move?

  2. I've had two HT's. The first about 7 months ago and the second 5 months ago. So far I am very pleased with the results.

    After my first HT I started taking 1mg of proscar per day and also applying 5% minoxidil to my scalp twice per day to try to hold on to the hair that I have left.

    At first my hair loss accelerated as a result from the drugs which I hear is normal. Not long after my hairloss stabilized. It was great to see that these expensive treatments were working.

    However lately I have noticed that I'm losing a ton of hair everyday. I notice this the most when brushing my hair.

    I haven't changed my routine at all regarding the proscar and minoxidil I'm taking.

    Does anybody know why this might be happening? Or has anybody experienced something like this?

    Please let me know what you guys think.

  3. I've had two HT's. The first about 7 months ago and the second 5 months ago. So far I am very pleased with the results.

    After my first HT I started taking 1mg of proscar per day and also applying 5% minoxidil to my scalp twice per day to try to hold on to the hair that I have left.

    At first my hair loss accelerated as a result from the drugs which I hear is normal. Not long after my hairloss stabilized. It was great to see that these expensive treatments were working.

    However lately I have noticed that I'm losing a ton of hair everyday. I notice this the most when brushing my hair.

    I haven't changed my routine at all regarding the proscar and minoxidil I'm taking.

    Does anybody know why this might be happening? Or has anybody experienced something like this?

    Please let me know what you guys think.

  4. I understand that when I do go for a 2nd HT the Dr. will have to make new incisions. I'm now wondering if the hair growth will be as successful in that area where incisions will have been made twice. As opposed to incisions just being made once and grafts placed in them. ???

    Thanks for the help guys!

  5. As funny as it sounds it's true. I can't feel the top of my head.

    My HT was about a month ago. The Dr. attempted 3000 grafts but we only came up with about 2200. As anyone who has had a HT done knows there were some holes poked in my head that were not filled with grafts. Where the grafts were inserted in the front of my head it's numb and even where the holes were poked and no grafts inserted it's numb.

    I plan for a second HT in the near future to cover the middle of my head (1st HT grafts were all transplanted in the front 1/3 of my head). Will it be a problem transplanting into the area where the empty holes were poked? Or will that area heal and be as succesful in growth when transplanted as if it were never touched?

    My grafts are starting to fall out which I think is normal. Right?

    Has anyone ever experienced this loss of feeling after their HT?

    Also, does anyone have any opinions or experience with holes poked without grafts put in them and then transplanting into that area at a later date?

    I'd really appreciate hearing from some the members and Dr.'s on the site. Thankyou

  6. As funny as it sounds it's true. I can't feel the top of my head.

    My HT was about a month ago. The Dr. attempted 3000 grafts but we only came up with about 2200. As anyone who has had a HT done knows there were some holes poked in my head that were not filled with grafts. Where the grafts were inserted in the front of my head it's numb and even where the holes were poked and no grafts inserted it's numb.

    I plan for a second HT in the near future to cover the middle of my head (1st HT grafts were all transplanted in the front 1/3 of my head). Will it be a problem transplanting into the area where the empty holes were poked? Or will that area heal and be as succesful in growth when transplanted as if it were never touched?

    My grafts are starting to fall out which I think is normal. Right?

    Has anyone ever experienced this loss of feeling after their HT?

    Also, does anyone have any opinions or experience with holes poked without grafts put in them and then transplanting into that area at a later date?

    I'd really appreciate hearing from some the members and Dr.'s on the site. Thankyou

  7. Thanks for the responses and info everyone! Rugger, sorry I didn't clarify. I had the strip procedure done.

    I'd like to have two more procedures done ASAP to get them out of the way and get the hair I need growing behind my hairline and on my crown.

    Cam, it sounds like you are in the same situation as me good luck! Your hair looks great! But I just had my first procedure done.

    JCWHair thanks for clearing up that transection question I had.

    So I guess a month or a couple months between procedures isn't too far fetched and is very possible keeping in mind the laxity and scaring JCWHair pointed out.

    Thanks again for the info guys!

  8. Just one more thing I'd like to hear some opinions about. I've had the front 1/3 of my head transplanted with 2200 grafts (the most we could get, obviously I don't have a very thick or dense donor area). So ASAP I'd like to have the middle of my head done and then finally the crown area which would give me a decent look. I'm not trying to get a head of hair like Elvis Presley. My surgeon told me we would only have to wait about one month to start the second procedure! That to me sounds too good to be true.

    Any comments?!?!?

  9. Hello everyone,

    I recently had a hair transplant and I'm going to need a couple more because I'm a NW6 or 7. What I am wondering is how long should I wait before I go ahead with the second one that I definitely need and is just a matter of time before doing so. So what I'm asking is how long should someone wait between procedures?



  10. Hello everyone,

    I recently had a hair transplant and I'm going to need a couple more because I'm a NW6 or 7. What I am wondering is how long should I wait before I go ahead with the second one that I definitely need and is just a matter of time before doing so. So what I'm asking is how long should someone wait between procedures?



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