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Mrs Hair

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Posts posted by Mrs Hair

  1. Hello cottonnc,


    I am sure Dr Epstein will work in the best interest of his patients.Its too early for me to speak about my results but at the time of consultation Dr Epstein gave me a choice and asked me if I would like the temples to be filled.There was absolutely no pressure and it was entirely my decison.


    Also we were looking at 2400 grafts but when I was 100 short of them Dr Epstein reimbursed the balance.I find his fee reasonable.Hope this helps.

  2. Hey Susun..


    It sure is frustrating.I'am 27 and started losing my hair pretty early.It was'nt that noticible for others but you know how women get at times.Hair started thinning over the top part and got worse.Finally I dcided on a hair transplant.I am one month post up and so all wud say the ugly duckling stage.Hoping to get thrugh this phase ASAP.I was using rogaine for over two yrs but that did'nt help a lot.

  3. Hello Everybody!


    Today I am one month post my hair transplant.I did have a little shockloss but a wide hairband is very useful and not much is noticible.I remember Bill telling me about this whole process "as looking a little worse before you look better".But I am still very positive and hope to get thrugh this phase asap.I have contacted Dr Epstein's office for my pre op pictures and I hope to upload them soon.


    Hello Hair_Help..


    How have you been doing?

  4. Hey Mike..No I dont think i would be comfortable wearing a hair piece..a wide hairband shud solve the problem.But I am not really worried abt this phase.what concerns me is I hope while rubbing off the scabs I have'nt damaged the graft.While Billeors has assured me that at 2 weeks the follicle is deeply rooted and has to be removed surgically..But u know at this stage every hair counts :-).Oh and yes..My donor area is sore toothink we shud give it a few more days.



    Hello hair help..


    swelling is normal and it dissapeard completely by the 7th day..gawd i did look funny :-)Wat is flutamide?

  5. I am three weeks post op.Most of the scabs have fallen off.I was a little worried earlier coz the scabs came out with tiny little hair.This seems to be the shedding phase and is thought to be normal.My concern is when the scabs are rubbed off especially when the hair is dry are there any chances that we might be damaging the grafts and lost them.Bill has been great!!

  6. Originally posted by MikeSf:

    Hey Mrs Hair,


    Bummer we missed each other....would have taken you to uhhhhh....well SUBWAY..blah, or something nearby. Hahhah...LOL. But, next time. Anyway, keep me informed of all and good developments. All my best


    ohhh..subway did sound good:-).so how are the scabs doing?I am losing the scabs withtiny little hair on them.How abt you?

  7. Originally posted by hair_help12:

    Hi Mrs. Hair,


    I had my procedure yesterday. All went well, Dr. E and his staff was wonderful. Unfortunately, I've lost a graft..not sure how that's going to affect the overall appearance of my hair, but I have to be extremely careful for the next few days. Also, I feel that I look balder than I did before (I have frontal balding). Did you experience any of this, would you say it seemed as though you had more hair before the procedure. Do you think I could be experiencing shock loss so soon?


    Thanks for your replies.




    Hello hair_help..Congratulations on your HT.And dont worry about the graft you lost.Bill is rite you wont miss it :-).Well I guess more than bald its just that we become very conscious about the whole thing plus the hair is constantly wet due to the graft cyte.probably that why u feel it looks thinner.How many grafts did you have?I am in the "shock loss" period or so I believe.Most of my scabs have come off..some with tiny little hair.I was told this is normal.we just have to hang it and wait!

  8. Originally posted by cottonnc:

    just out of curiosity. What does Dr. Epstein charge and does he do all his own procedures ?


    Hello cottonnc


    Dr Epstein performs the surgery and prepares the recepient sites and his assitants do the implanting.I paid 9000 for 2300 grafts which I think is reasonable and we planned a few more hundred grafts but since my strip did'nt yield that many I was reimbursed.

  9. Originally posted by hair_help:

    Hi Mrs Hair,


    I too am female and am considering a HT. I was hoping you could answer a few questions I have.


    How many grafts did you have?


    Did you existing hair cover the donor strip?


    Did you travel for your HT? If so, did you experience any problems flying?


    How has recovery been so far?


    thanks for your replies.




    Hello hair_help!I am more than glad to answer your questions.I had 2342 grafts which can be considered more for a women but it was concentrated only in a small recepient area so as to create maximum density with minimum shock loss.My existing hair do cover up my donor strip and it is not noticible at all.I did travel down to Miami and had absolutely no problems flying which was on the third day itself.Recovery has been great.Yes definately a little soreness and a little swelling but nothing unbearable.Have a look at Dr Epstein's website and go thrugh the photo gallery for women.Let me know if you have any more concerns I could help with.

  10. Hey Everybody...I registered some weeks back on the hair transplant network...Today I am here to share my experience..This especially goes out to all the women ..I know its difficult for women to share their experiences and pictures..but hey we need to rite...tats the least we can do for women looking for hair loss solutions.


    I am a 27 years old and first noticed thinning at 21 after the birth of my children.The hair that I lost after my C sections never came back.Last year the frontal area became so thin that I decided to look for options and started looking at Hair Transplants.Before I did that I got my blood work done to rule out any other possibilities of hair loss and everything came out clean.Initially I was using 2 % minoxidal but that did'nt help much either.Finally I started consulting various Hair Transplant surgeons.Some in person,some over emails with pictures and finally I found my doctor,Dr Jeffrey Epstein.I decided to go with Dr Epstein for various reasons.Firstly because he has such an enormous experience working with female patients.I corresponded with a few of his patients and they had nothing but positive things to say about him.Also Dr Epstein personally replies to every email and every single concern.I finally scheduled a consultation/procedure with Dr Epstein last week.AND TODAY I AM 4 DAYS POST UP.All I have to say is everything went well.I would love to talk about every small detail and share pictures as well but I need a little time for that.I've just got back and with two kids its a little difficult.But if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask and as for my experience and progress I will get back here soon.seeya!

  11. Hey Everybody...I registered some weeks back on the hair transplant network...Today I am here to share my experience..This especially goes out to all the women ..I know its difficult for women to share their experiences and pictures..but hey we need to rite...tats the least we can do for women looking for hair loss solutions.


    I am a 27 years old and first noticed thinning at 21 after the birth of my children.The hair that I lost after my C sections never came back.Last year the frontal area became so thin that I decided to look for options and started looking at Hair Transplants.Before I did that I got my blood work done to rule out any other possibilities of hair loss and everything came out clean.Initially I was using 2 % minoxidal but that did'nt help much either.Finally I started consulting various Hair Transplant surgeons.Some in person,some over emails with pictures and finally I found my doctor,Dr Jeffrey Epstein.I decided to go with Dr Epstein for various reasons.Firstly because he has such an enormous experience working with female patients.I corresponded with a few of his patients and they had nothing but positive things to say about him.Also Dr Epstein personally replies to every email and every single concern.I finally scheduled a consultation/procedure with Dr Epstein last week.AND TODAY I AM 4 DAYS POST UP.All I have to say is everything went well.I would love to talk about every small detail and share pictures as well but I need a little time for that.I've just got back and with two kids its a little difficult.But if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask and as for my experience and progress I will get back here soon.seeya!

  12. Thank you so much Bill...


    I have a few doubts ..probably the jitters..Does pre-mature hair transplant cause more hair loss?I ask because I am 28 and can manage with a few hair products.But I want to put an end to this everyday struggle and everyday camouflaging..



    I have also read that an experienced doctor who is very careful when placing the grafts betwen existing hair can minimize shock loss.Is that true?


    thanks once again!

  13. Hello everybody.I am new to this forum.Dont see many female patients in here!!


    I am 28 yrs old and have thinning hair since the last 5 yrs.I finally decided on doing research on hair transplant and now after much much research....I have decided on Dr Epstein.Dr Epstein has numerous female patients as compared to other hair transplant surgeons.Dr Epstein personally replies to every email and Roxy's a gem.


    I am aware that not many women are good candidates fo a hair transplant.I just hope I am not one of them.So if there are women out there who have been thrugh this ordeal I would appreciate if you share your experiences.Its really very depressing for young women to lose hair so guys your help is much much appreciated!!!

  14. Hello everybody.I am new to this forum.Dont see many female patients in here!!


    I am 28 yrs old and have thinning hair since the last 5 yrs.I finally decided on doing research on hair transplant and now after much much research....I have decided on Dr Epstein.Dr Epstein has numerous female patients as compared to other hair transplant surgeons.Dr Epstein personally replies to every email and Roxy's a gem.


    I am aware that not many women are good candidates fo a hair transplant.I just hope I am not one of them.So if there are women out there who have been thrugh this ordeal I would appreciate if you share your experiences.Its really very depressing for young women to lose hair so guys your help is much much appreciated!!!

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