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Posts posted by Fizzy

  1. Hey everyone,

    To be honest, my doc isn't the best i've ever had. I'd change if i could, does anyone know any good physicians in richmondhill ontario? im fairly close to downtown toronto.


    Thanks for all the advice once again, and for the nice comments, im very happy i found this place. The depression is setting in, my crown is getting really bad, unfortunatly.


    If anyone could recommend a better doc i'd be very greatful. Thanks again.

  2. hi, i'v noticed now that i'v been shedding for the past 6 to 7 months now, and the the back and front of the top of my head is thinning! Im only 16! What the hell am i supposed to do? I'm on rogain but i dont think it's working much.. Am i going bald? Is it even possible this young? My dad started balding when he was in his late 20s, someone please help me!

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