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Posts posted by wesley949

  1. I had my first transplant with Dr. Bernstein about 4 years ago. My second procedure was performed this past January. I thought I was done with the "pimple period" but recently two pimples appeared that were different and looked to be infected. My call to him yesterday at about 5pm was answered immediately. He offered to see me if I could stop up but I am not in NYC. Today, I sent an email and about 1 minute later received a reponse and we talked again a minute later. He prescribed some antibiotics after reviewing a picture, provided advice and was extremely helpful. I think it is great that a world class doctor does this type of follow-up 4 months after he is paid.

  2. I had my first transplant with Dr. Bernstein about 4 years ago. My second procedure was performed this past January. I thought I was done with the "pimple period" but recently two pimples appeared that were different and looked to be infected. My call to him yesterday at about 5pm was answered immediately. He offered to see me if I could stop up but I am not in NYC. Today, I sent an email and about 1 minute later received a reponse and we talked again a minute later. He prescribed some antibiotics after reviewing a picture, provided advice and was extremely helpful. I think it is great that a world class doctor does this type of follow-up 4 months after he is paid.

  3. I had a procedure with Bernstein 3 years ago and a second three weeks ago. In my first I had a repair done on my crown and 2,400 grafts. My head had a red tint for the longest time--maybe it was developing a better blood supply. I was also a slow grower but everything eventually came in very nicely. At my one year follow-up I wanted a second procedure but Bernstein suggested I wait a while so that he would know the most optimum way to do a second procedure after my HT matured. At any rate, I finally got around to getting the second one done and this one was barely detectable almost immediatedly. The toughest part for me is backing off my workouts--which I am forcing my self to do in the interest of long term benefits.

  4. I tottaly understand. My brother looks great with his shaved head. I have told him he should not even consider a hair transplant. In my case, it actually took my sons to get me motivated or I would have never gotten a transplant at the time I did. I was concerned about them and took them to see a top rated HT doctor not for a HT but to talk about what options (medicines, etc) were available. While there, he also examined me. I had had bad transplants done years ago when I was much younger, knew nothing about the technology and was freaked out about losing my hair---that was one of the worst decisions I had ever made--eventually I just cut my hair extremely close, stayed in great shape and got on with my life--It was great when I accepted the situation. The one thing that bothered me though were the old plugs in my crown-they were visible no matter how short my hair. After seeing results in person and seeing the skill of the surgeon--I decided I wanted the old plugs out--while he was at it I also decided to add hair to my head. I think the look everyone should want is "healthy" and you look healthy and you have a head like my brother's that looks good shaven. I see guys all the time that have a full head of hair that look bad. I also see guys that have very little hair that look super. This was a good post and will help younger guys to undertstand that losing their hair really is not the end of the world.

  5. I was a nw 6 and on my first transplant I went back in ten days. No one really knew but it looked like I had a bit of a burn on my head. I was apprehensive because of a repair done to my crown but when a very "in your face" co-worker said-hey you relly got a short haircut-I knew I was home-free. On my second, which was completed about 17 days ago I returned on a Monday, after having the procedure the previous Monday. I was very good at washing and did avoid all aspirin, vitamins, etc. to keep the blood down and no one seems to notice anything. I also have hair to cover the procedure for the most part. If they notice anything it is that my hair is longer than usual but I will be getting a good cut this weekend to even things out in the donor strip area.

  6. I just had my second transplant done with Bernstein this past Monday and both times I was showering on the day following surgery as recommended----four times and then after that twice a day. I used the regular shower head and set it to a softer flow--if the flow is too strong Bernstein recommends blocking the water flow with your hand. I have a Shower head that has ajustable flow rates-On the staples I just let it hit pretty good. Bernstien provides GraphCyte Shampoo that is supposed to be used for the first week or so. I beleive he has his post-op instructions on his site as do most doctors, I assume. Good Luck.

  7. Growing Again: Be patient. I had a 2400 graft HT with Dr. B in January of 2006 and my hair is still improving. In fact I went back to get another HT in January of 2007 and Berstein told me to wait since I was a slow grower and he wanted to get a better feel for the final result before a second procedure. As far as losing the tranplanted hair----that is normal and I think I lost all of mine before it started to grow again. I also had a repair done at the same time and could not be happier. Now I just need to find the time to get the second procedure. There is no hard sell here.

  8. Repair Guy:


    Dr. Bernstein did repair work on my crown and at almost 11 months out I can not tell I had any plugs in my crown. I view my scalp with two magnifying mirrors, which illustrates Dr. B's mastery with a scapel. I am talking about 1970's style plugs. Best of luck with the repair. Time will continue to improve the results.

  9. Congratulations Pat and best wishes for speedy growth. Your suggestion, in a private message, last year at this time to get repairs done on old plugs and get a transplant was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It is truly the gift that keeps giving.My procedure was completed on January 12, 2006. I had plugs removed and a total of 2382 graphs or 5,478 hairs transplanted. The repair is impossible to detect. In October, I visited Dr. Bernstein to arrange for a second procedure in January, 2007 and he was not anxious to do the surgery. He wants me to wait since he feels there should be more growth taking place and that will give him a better idea of how to place the new graphs. Since my visit I am already seeing more improvement or as he stated a maturation process will take place. Although I am pleased with the results, I appear to be a slow grower. Seeing how you were able to hide the HT with your existing hair is great (now that I have some hair to hide the new HT under). Like many folks on this forum I have taken care of my body and the one thing I could not do anything about was my hair. Slowly reversing baldness is a kick in the ass. Also, having a doctor turn down a quick $7,000 to $10,000 because he felt I should wait (while frustrating) is refreshing and obviously the right thing to do. Thanks for the advice and the great forum.

  10. I don't see price as an obstacle. This is capitalism and people are entitled to be paid whatever the market will bear for their services. I paid $6.00 a unit, considered high by some folks on this site, but I was okay with that. I think all great doctors should be included and we should have disclosure about pricing. Most legitimate web sites clearly indicate pricing per follicular unit anyway. My only concern would be allowing in other doctors in a practice, unless they meet the same standards.

  11. My experience with Bernstein and his staff was similar in January, 2006 getting 2382 graphs. I have another consult with Bernstein this Monday to do it again in January, 2007. It may seem a bit bizarre but I found the procedure, after the initial pin pricks, to be very relaxing, if not enjoyable-three attractive women paying that much attention to me-felt great that night--ate and had no trouble sleeping. It just seems to me, that after you go through the small inconvience, your involement in the process is over. You will have more hair in 6/9/12 months.

  12. At six months you would have just gotten over shock loss and started some real growth,(unless you are one of the lucky three month mutants that post pictures sometimes on this and other sites). In my case, I am at 9 months and the growth is now starting to thicken and feel like real hair. I would not get another procedure until you see the final results of the first two. Although additional growth and thickness can occur, I belive at 12 months most folks have a good sense of where they are at and how much more work will be neccesary. You have only seen the downside. Give it some time and you should see some great results if the doctor is any good. By the way, I have never heard of going back that early.

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