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Posts posted by NYCguy

  1. If any of u remember me I've decdied to take more time to research as many docs as possible....(taking all of your advice)

    I was looking at True and Dorin's site and their work looks great, but unless I missed something it didn't say who did who. So if anyone has any opinions or pics of either of their work it would be great.

    Would one be better than the other for hair line work?

  2. If any of u remember me I've decdied to take more time to research as many docs as possible....(taking all of your advice)

    I was looking at True and Dorin's site and their work looks great, but unless I missed something it didn't say who did who. So if anyone has any opinions or pics of either of their work it would be great.

    Would one be better than the other for hair line work?

  3. I should have explained more in my last post, Hason's office made it very clear that 1500 - 1800 is not a definate range because that could not be decided based on pics alone and it is possible that it could be more like 1100 or 1200 depending on how it looks in person...also they made it clear that they will give me a mature hairline and not a teenage one...just want to be clear this time

  4. This is going to be about the 50th time I've thanked u guys, but thanks for all of the advice and input.

    I truely appreciate all of your honesty.

    It really helps because I know all of you have a lot more experience with this than I do.

    I'm going to send some updated pics to Hason as GrowPlease and just about everyone suggested lol and some updated ones to Dr. Feller, who I had a consulatation with about 3 years ago to get a second and third opinion and go from there.

  5. Thanks for bringing that up GrowPlease. I should have mentioned from the start that Dr. Armani suggested 2500 grafts.


    If a reputable dr. like Dr. Hason gave someone a 1950 graft HT who is one yr older than me and who was, judging by his pre-op pics, not receding as much as I am, wouldn't 2500 grafts be considered some what practical by comparison.


    Any responses to this and GrowPlease's post will be greatly appreciated.


    It seems like everyone already has their mind made up and probably with good reasons, but we have to, for once and for all, get to the bottom of this whole Armani thing lol. Together we can do it !(I'm sleep deprived)

  6. Thanks Nikkop23 and everyone else. You all make perfect sense and I agree with all of you. I just want to believe in miracles I guess.

    I am curious though. If I was 40 or for any 40 yr old who is only experiencing hair loss at the hairline would any of you reccomend Amrani since it seems like he does pretty good hairline work?


    I also really wonder about Ken or Keness. He went to Armani and detailed his whole post op experience with pictures and written decriptions. It was a great. Then he went for another session with Armani about a yr after and detailed about a week post op and said he would be posting new pics and give more written descriptions in a month or a couple of months, but now his site or weblog is gone. I think that kind of freaks me out the most. I wonder what happened to him or what might have went wrong. Does anyone know?

  7. Again, thanks for all of your input. I know it's a personal choice, but it's pretty obvious that everyone thinks it is a bad idea for me to go with Armani and that definately weighs on my descion. From what I've read online everyone seems to agree that he does good work, but it wont really matter if you are 45 with a thick patch of hair in front and nothing behind it.


    Cousin it

    I want to apologize to u and everyone else for my previous post, I in no way wanted to be misleading when I said I was turned down by Feller and Bernstein. I was turned down by both, but I was turned down by Feller when I was 23 which was three yrs ago and Bernstein about ten months ago. I should have mentioned that.

    I didn't make any specific requests with either of them. I don't want to misquote Feller...It was three yrs ago, but he basically said I was too young and joked about how he would love to take my money and pay off his Ferrari, but I would be one pissed off person in ten yrs if he did. Again I don't want to misquote, But Berstein said something to the effect of..If you were 40 with this hairline you would be happy...and at this point you don't need one, but come back in a yr.

    I know he was a little more articulate than that and a bit more specific, but that's what I remember. He was also very pleasant...



    Most of you have more experience and knowledge about this than I do and thinking about the possible consequences of going with armani's methods torture me, but I really want to believe that he isn't completely full of it as I guess anyone in my situation would. I don't want to keep asking the same question and I don't want to sound as if I don't respect what everyone has said because I really do, but isn't it possible that his method can work? Wouldn't there be a lot of angry people on this website and others who have went to him complaining and telling their stories?


    I wish I could hear from people who have had Armani HTs more than once maybe even three or four times and see their reults.

  8. Thanks guys, I really do appreciate it.

    I've actually seen two NYC HT docs and they both turned me down...Feller and Bernstein


    You're right B spot it is hard...Do I want to be happy for the next say 10 - 15 maybe 20 - 25yrs (I only have a receding hairline - everything else is full, but my head looks sooo odd like this..)or do I just wait 5 - 10 yrs and feel like an outcast among my friends, who happen to all have insane full heads of hair, and just feel old b4 my time, and get an HT from a coalaition doc...I know there are much bigger problems in life, but this is a hair site ! lol

  9. I am 26 and most likely going to get an HT from Dr. Alvi Armani in couple months. I've read a lot of things on this site that make me a little nervous about him and suspicious of his intensions, but his reasoning behind the way he works is seems logical to me.


    Please give me your opinion on this; Someone on his staff told me that it's a matter of preference. Alvi gives a thick full frontal hairline and then implants less in the mid to crown area of the head due to the amount of donor hair a person has and people who come to him would prefer to have a thick frontal hairline and be thinner in the back especially since u can rely on propecia, rogaine and products like topik for the mid to corwn area.


    Doesn't that make some sense? Or is there something else that I don't know about. Please help.

  10. I am 26 and most likely going to get an HT from Dr. Alvi Armani in couple months. I've read a lot of things on this site that make me a little nervous about him and suspicious of his intensions, but his reasoning behind the way he works is seems logical to me.


    Please give me your opinion on this; Someone on his staff told me that it's a matter of preference. Alvi gives a thick full frontal hairline and then implants less in the mid to crown area of the head due to the amount of donor hair a person has and people who come to him would prefer to have a thick frontal hairline and be thinner in the back especially since u can rely on propecia, rogaine and products like topik for the mid to corwn area.


    Doesn't that make some sense? Or is there something else that I don't know about. Please help.

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