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Posts posted by leander

  1. Hi,


    Can you tell me how to get in contact with Dr Ron Shapiro please. Was he good? What was your experience?


    Kind regards,


    Leander (Ireland)

    Originally posted by JakeVig:

    Hi Paddy_Boy,


    Welcome to the forums, if its one thing you will learn here, it is that you should go to the best regardless of location. You only have one head so the results you get will last a lifetime. Its best not to risk it with substandard doctors. In my opinion there are no high quality doctors in the UK/Ireland, the best doctors in the world reside in the US and Canada. I have not seen an outstanding result from the UK or Ireland. Im also in the UK and based on this forum I decided to go to Dr Ron Shapiro in the US as an excellent result and a completely undetectable hairline was very important to me. I recommend having a few free online consults before deciding on your doctor. Note if you decide on a US doctor you will probably get a discount as an international patient and the prices are much less than the UK.

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