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Posts posted by Valiant

  1. Why I say last me a few years, is because if there is no permanent solution to hair loss in the coming years I will be opting for a hair system.


    However I would like to delay this inevitability for as long as possible and there is also the possibility that my hair loss will not progress any further - meaning perhaps an extra HT will suffice!


    I am 25 by the way..

  2. My hair has been receding and thinning for a while now ??“ getting to the point that I need to make a decision soon which route to go down. One short term solution would be to to go for a hair transplant just to fill the temples ??“ so my hairline is restored. The idea would be that this would last me at least a few years, until the crown etc starts to go..


    Was hoping that by looking at the attached pics, if you guys could tell me whether I would be a good candidate for this procedure? I'd also like to add that for various personal reasons ??“ procepia is a no go for me at the moment - so would the shock loss be great for this small HT?


    Thanks in advance!


    (Obviously I will be going for professional consults soon, just wanted to use this as a starting point..)



    Pic 1 - http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3072/hair1a.jpg (receding shown)

    Pic 2 - http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/9129/hair2d.jpg (receding shown)

    Pic 3 - http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/193/hair3.jpg (receding shown)

    Poc 4 - http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/7750/hair4m.jpg (styled)

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