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Posts posted by Abraham

  1. Hi guys,

    As with most of you i have had a nasty experience with AHS up and until today. Needless to say, the reason to choose this studio is common with every one, their misleading publicity about everything they claim. I had a strand by strand ordered at the London office for ??4000 plus ??600 for speedier delivery!! I was told i get 3 membranes for that amount.

    from day one the membrane was bubbly on top and they had to use adhesive all over to reduce vaccuum. also there had always been added bubbles at each side of the membrane. I was told it would disappear in time and of course it didn't. six months on, i decided to try another membrane so i can have better feel.The new one started to look awful within a couple of months that i decided to have the third and last one fitted on next refusion .To my amazement on the day of fitting, i didn't tell them prior i wanted a new fitting, they couldn't find either the new one or the 2nd used one. I even had a nasty argument with the manager over the issue at which such time he accused me of having the mambranes on me and that i was trying it on with them!! The only preventive measure that stopped me from blowing his face off is the fact at the time i had my head shaved on top awaiting for the membrane and couldnt visualize myself at the police station looking the way i did. Eventually they said they had to order new ones from Hong Kong and fitted me with the one i came with on the day. The manager even refused considering the refusion on the day for free despite it being their fault!!

    The 2 new membranes incidently inherited the same faults of the old ones. One ingenious solution they came up with was to split the membrane in the areas where there is eccess material and tack them together. This created a false illusion and produced the same shitty results of the old ones.

    until now i had the membranes for 13 months and have spent in the region of ??5000. I dont believe for one moment the amount is justified in prportion to its benifit.

    What do you think guys? do i have a chance of any refund of some kind bearing in mind i had repeatedly complained about the fitting and the mentioned faults?

    your replies would be greatly appreciated.

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