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Posts posted by norwegian123

  1. Thank you for the answers.. yes i did my operation in norway ,, i dont actualy know why they transplantet that less hair , it was not because of the money , but i think they were in the meaning that if i take it in small steps the operation will give a bether result . Anyway i am tired of doing small operations and want a bigger one , therfore i look abroad . O yes norway is very nice and i am glad you enjoyed staing here =)

    I have no problems going over to the states and do a operation over there .. the only thing is that i need some names to contact that make very good works ,, and are able to transplant a lot of hair=)

    Do anyone recomand any ?=)

    Thank you a lot for the answers

  2. I am from norway and i have had two strip operations here at home . I must say that i am satisfied , but i think they plants to less hair in each operation .. I have had two operations with 1700 hair each .is that normal?

    Could anyone recomand good places to do fue or strip in Europe that can make a excelent jobb?

    sorry for my bad english icon_smile.gif

    I will be wery thankfull for answers=)

    By the way .. have anyone experience with ; Ilter clinic,new hair clinic,Hattingen hair restoration or DHI Medical Group

  3. I am from norway and i have had two strip operations here at home . I must say that i am satisfied , but i think they plants to less hair in each operation .. I have had two operations with 1700 hair each .is that normal?

    Could anyone recomand good places to do fue or strip in Europe that can make a excelent jobb?

    sorry for my bad english icon_smile.gif

    I will be wery thankfull for answers=)

    By the way .. have anyone experience with ; Ilter clinic,new hair clinic,Hattingen hair restoration or DHI Medical Group

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