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Posts posted by UKrepair

  1. Sorry for the delay in responding.


    PhilUK, would rather not say who did my previous hair transplants. Feel free to email me if you like. You have chosen well with Dr Feller though as he is probably the best around in my opinion.


    Spex, the redness is still causing me some trouble to be honest. Maybe i can call you over the weekend for a chat about what I can do to help it, or any advice here would be great.


    Thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to offer their support, great place to get good help here.

  2. Hello,


    After many months reading through this forum i wanted to finally post and say thank you to everyone involved. It has been such a very useful tool to making a decision which has to been a long time coming. After already receiving 5 hair transplants here in the UK I can only confirm to anyone reading that the UK is not the place to get a transplant in my experienced opinion. I only wish i had found the forums sooner. I was very shortsighted and the 5 surgeries dissapointlying left me requiring a salvage situation as the results were very poor but because of them i had been told i had no further donor hair available. I can not explain the anxiety this has caused me and the drain on my life due to these transplants. I consulted with a couple other UK clinics at a last ditch attempt at sorting me out but all the clinics i consulted with all told me nothing further could be done and that i had no chance at a repair surgery due to very depleted donor area. This as i am sure you can appreciate was a bitter blow. transplants have ruined my life and made me a hermit.It was only till i found this forum and Hairlosshelp that realised the possibly something could still be done by a surgeon with more experience especially with repairs and i came across Bastard and s.a.f and badhairuk all Dr Feller patients who too had been told by several clinics here in the UK that nothing more could be done for them. Their results from Dr Feller made me overjoyed, i can't tell you. I saw light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in years! I met Spex who kindly got me in touch with Dr Feller very quickly which was a great help and after speaking to Dr Feller i was determined to have an attempt at this with him as he seemed to know exactly what was needed and understood that something needed to be done and could be from the pictures Spex had taken.


    I travelled over to Dr Feller in New York and actually never even saw New York as i stayed local to Dr Fellers in Great Neck which is a very nice quiet place. I arrived at Dr Fellers office at 6.30 am. I was eager as i had been told to get there for 7.45am.


    Dr Feller and i went through the possibilities as he saw straight away i had some donor to work with which was an unbelievable relief to hear him say but it was how we could use it that was the problem. He wanted to solely focus on the front with the grafts but i was very adamant i wanted it distributing to help the crown also. We reached an agreement after a long time spent and Dr Feller thought he would be able to get about 1500/1800 grafts which to me was just music to my ears especially after i had been told numerous times i had nothing left to work with by UK clinics. He wanted to see how many grafts he could get exactly before making a definite plan as the numbers were vitally important to the success and positioning of the repair.


    Dr Feller and his brilliant team ended up getting 2012 graft out of my depleted donor area which when i heard the figure was truly like the day my wife told me she was pregnant . i can not describe the joy i felt. I knew i had come to the right place and even Dr Feller remarked that the was surprised at the surgery and how well it had gone, he also remarked the majority of those were 2's and 3's hairs!! I wanted to kiss the man right there and then!


    We did in the end work in the front and back as i wanted although i think the doctor would have ideally just worked in the front but i was adamant as both areas troubled me immensely and i needed help in both areas.


    I stayed in the U.S. for the ten days until my staples came out. No problems at all.


    I have spent many hours here reading and researching and without this forum i really don't know what i would have done, so thank you. I hope to keep posting here and keep you all informed as my surgery progresses but I think I just wanted a bit of moral support now its done so any help and guidance would be much appreciated now.


    Thank you all who post here as you have really helped me. Anyone in the UK who wants any help feel free to email me or message me as I have done a lot of research and met a lot of people over the last year so if I can help let me know. ukreapir1@yahoo.co.uk


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