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Posts posted by careabouthair

  1. Thanks for the responses lads!


    I was thinking that might be the case, think I will just bite the bullet and go for it! Like you rightly say whatever I do have left will grow back anyway!


    Wantego I was thinking to go for tight clipper cut, will grow back quicker that way if I don't like how it looks, or thats the hope at least!


    Thanks again for all the comments. Will update on how it goes and looks!

  2. Hi folks!


    Would love some opinions on this!


    When considering a HT (as I myself am given that I already have a very receded hairline) should you always shave your head to ensure that isnt the easiest solution?!


    I dont honestly think a shaved head will suit me but would I be mad to commit myself to a HT before trying it to see what it looks like? Ive only ever tried to picture it while looking in the mirror!


    All opinions welcomed and appreciated!

  3. Hi folks!


    Would love some opinions on this!


    When considering a HT (as I myself am given that I already have a very receded hairline) should you always shave your head to ensure that isnt the easiest solution?!


    I dont honestly think a shaved head will suit me but would I be mad to commit myself to a HT before trying it to see what it looks like? Ive only ever tried to picture it while looking in the mirror!


    All opinions welcomed and appreciated!

  4. Eman I agree, looking at your blog and it seems things going very well with your HT! I havn't gone through with having one myself yet, just still researching.


    Concealing is actually something I am giving serious consideration before going through with anything!


    Can't decide your plan sounds good and if it comes off could be perfect! But have you considered the redness and the questions that might attract post op? If I decide to have one I probably wont shave the receipient area and will use native hair to cover up, or try at least!

  5. I realise I have said it already folks but really can't thank you enough for sharing all this advice!! Many thanks for taking the time!


    Raphael that would be great, I would love to stay close to your progress since our situations are so similar. I do want to research the area a lot so am unsure as of yet when I will be going ahead with it but should I end up doing it before November I will be sure to share my experience! Do you plan on shaving the receipient area out of interest? Based on the posts on this thread it doesnt seem to be necessary which is great!!


    Latinlotus I love the blog! Great pics and a lot of information! Great to see it appears to be coming along very well also! I am in Europe (Ireland to be exact where there is no real choice in this area so might be going with Dr Devorye in Belgium). Is Dr Cooley in the states? I would be eager to go with a doctor that does not require shaving of the receipent area and the quicker the healing the better! Looks like Dr Cooley is very good. I think some surgeons in the states also refund travel expenses.


    Zup thanks so much for the very detailed post! Lot of very useful information there. I plan on taking 3 weeks off post surgery as I have a lot of holidays built up anyway! That should allow a lot of time for things to go back to normal or at least to a stage where it is easily covered by native hair. Also agree that would be prudent to assume another surgery will be necessary and then if thats not the case then I will consider it a bonus! I am just happy once I dont pay a lot of money for a surgery only to have to have another a few months down the line when I wont be in a position to afford it. As it stands I have enough set aside for a HT of about 3000 grafts plus travelling expenses! I do like the anology though, and its useful in a situation like this! I am happy at the fact that I currently have enough for 3000+ grafts so I can opt to go with that full amount if I choose too. I will agree this and consult with the surgeon on this as well as I would hope to have a lot of input form them on what they feel will work best for me.


    What should someone considering a HT look for in a surgeon? I have seen a great deal of before and after pics from the one I am thinking of going with but am not sure what else I should be looking for. He is also a coalition member and Pat on this site went to see him operate and was very impressed with his work. Should this be enough evidence to consider him a very good surgeon? Which is what I am looking for!


    Thanks again folks.

  6. Thanks again for this!


    Raphael have you gone through with the surgery? And if so what surgeon did you use? As we have similar circumstances I would be interested to know your experiences! I met with Dr Devorye for a consultation and you are right, gives a lot of peace of mind and is very professional!


    Mmhce thanks for all the advice! I would certainatly be also interested to know your experiences as I think getting to know other peoples experience and advice is the best way to make an educated decision! If you have a blog on here you might let me know as I dont see one. If not then thanks for all the advice! It is great to see that this site demands such a high standard in their surgeons!


    Cheers lads

  7. mmhce thank you very much for such a speedy response and advice, I will definitely check the Norwood scale and use that as a guide to the amount I need!


    I would be reluctant to shave my head for the transplant due to my job and as I want to hide the transplant from people and put any new growth down to the meds! Can only hope there is not much shock loss. I will see what the surgeon thinks of my intentions to not shave my head! Have you heard much about Dr Jean Devorye in Belgium? Had to cancel a HT with him due to family bereavement and have decided to use the opportunity to be fully educated on it before rescheduling it again!


    Do you know much about the scar and its impacts? I have read that it tends to stretch? Does the amount that can be taken from a donor area also depend on the individual or is there a general amount of transplants you can take from the back of the head?


    Thanks again!

  8. Hi there folks,


    Finding this site a great resource for my will I or wont I HT research! So fair play to all of you that contribute, should know how much you are helping people!


    Anyway, i am a 25 year old male and have been considering HT for couple of months. Think I have pretty much decided on the surgeon I will use but was hoping for views/opinions/experiences on:


    1. Work and people!

    I don't have long hair and it is clear I have a receding hairline, it is already significantly receded (see pic attached). If I were to have a HT I would not want to shave receipient area (is this possible, can hair be placed between existing hair?). How long should I be taking off work to be in a position to go back without people noticing HT?

    2. Money

    If I have an operation (probably as many as grafts as possible to frontal hairline and back towards crown) am I resigning myself to an ongoing expense in that one opeartion is rarely enough? As it is a bit of an expense I'm sure those of you that had one will admit!


    All feedback greatly appreciated, pics are attached!




  9. True that folicallychallenged, going to start looking into some of them in the US, especially with the value in the dollar at the moment. Especially going to research the ones in the US that are recommended on this site, must be recommended here for a reason.


    If you can think of any yourself that you would recommend I would love to hear about them. Do you need to travel also for your HT?

  10. Hello all,


    New to the site as a member, have been viewing as a guest a couple of weeks now! You guys seem to know more about the area of hair loss that I do so I come in search of advice! I am from Ireland and am considering having a HT since a meeting with my GP. I went to him for advice on non-surgical solutions to hair loss and he referred to me one of the highly regarded hair surgeons in Ireland, Dr Maurice Collins. I looked into it and found a consulation with him costs ??????¬350 (or $520)!! Thats just for a consultation! Having done a bit more digging on here and a message to Pat I realise now he costs roughly 3 times more than the best of the best in the US!!


    So what I would love your thoughts/answers on is as follows:


    1. Being 24 am I too young for a HT? I can tell for definite that I am going to have the same pattern baldness as my father. Have already significant hairloss from hairline and some from vertex!


    2. Post op how long would you need to take off work? Is there a requirement to shave the area receiving the transplanted hair, therefore leaving you with fully grown hair at the back donor area and none on the top receiving area?


    3. Who is the best of the best in Europe? Read on here about a miracle worker in Belgium, Dr Devroye, really considering flying over for a consult as he seems very good! Anyone with personal experiences of the work he does?


    Below is a pic of my current hair situation!


    Thanks lads, welcome all comments and appreciate any advice you can share!

  11. Hello all,


    New to the site as a member, have been viewing as a guest a couple of weeks now! You guys seem to know more about the area of hair loss that I do so I come in search of advice! I am from Ireland and am considering having a HT since a meeting with my GP. I went to him for advice on non-surgical solutions to hair loss and he referred to me one of the highly regarded hair surgeons in Ireland, Dr Maurice Collins. I looked into it and found a consulation with him costs ??????¬350 (or $520)!! Thats just for a consultation! Having done a bit more digging on here and a message to Pat I realise now he costs roughly 3 times more than the best of the best in the US!!


    So what I would love your thoughts/answers on is as follows:


    1. Being 24 am I too young for a HT? I can tell for definite that I am going to have the same pattern baldness as my father. Have already significant hairloss from hairline and some from vertex!


    2. Post op how long would you need to take off work? Is there a requirement to shave the area receiving the transplanted hair, therefore leaving you with fully grown hair at the back donor area and none on the top receiving area?


    3. Who is the best of the best in Europe? Read on here about a miracle worker in Belgium, Dr Devroye, really considering flying over for a consult as he seems very good! Anyone with personal experiences of the work he does?


    Below is a pic of my current hair situation!


    Thanks lads, welcome all comments and appreciate any advice you can share!


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