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Tan Gill

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Posts posted by Tan Gill

  1. Been on/off on propecia and minoxi for quite some time now,though i will be honest here that i wasn't regular in the course,it was skipping a day or two or some times 15 days without medicine and was applying minoxi once a day.

    Now the situation is that top area to crown hair are gone,i intend to preserve the rest for Transplant.

    Plz suggest.

  2. I was on Propecia and Minoxi for 8 months and then for last two months i didn't use them.Now i am back on them it has been close to 4 weeks,what i have noticed is that hair fall has increased to abnormal level,moreover i have lost my crown area to a large extent,few months back only crown top was visible,now whole crown is clearly visible,I have no idea wheather it's a normal shedding or what?

  3. I have been on Propecia n Minoxi(5%) since past 5-6 months but had stopped using it for last 2 months cause of some other medical treatments.I see thicking on hair line hair to a good extent but the crown area is still lossiong the hair at they were before i started taking Propecia.

    Now another thing i am noticing since i started the prpoeica regime six monthe back is,Hair loss at the time of hair wash.It's abnormally huge,though now i don't suffer from pillow hair fall.Intially i thought it might be due to the propecia regime but now as i am off propecia since two months the Hair loss is huge at the time of hairwash.What could be a possible reason and How should i go about?



  4. I have been on Propecia n Minoxi(5%) since past 5-6 months but had stopped using it for last 2 months cause of some other medical treatments.I see thicking on hair line hair to a good extent but the crown area is still lossiong the hair at they were before i started taking Propecia.

    Now another thing i am noticing since i started the prpoeica regime six monthe back is,Hair loss at the time of hair wash.It's abnormally huge,though now i don't suffer from pillow hair fall.Intially i thought it might be due to the propecia regime but now as i am off propecia since two months the Hair loss is huge at the time of hairwash.What could be a possible reason and How should i go about?



  5. Thanks alot esp jes. I ahve posted my pics in prfile sometime back and tonite will post my latest pics as this might help u in taking the note of hair fall i am going thru.the pics that are aleady there were clicked in july last year and will post latest pics too..

    Cheers!!! Ur feedback makes the difference

  6. Dear All,

    I am suffering from heridatry hair fall,which considerably inc in last 5 moths as i ahve lost majorly on crown area where as hair line is in place.

    Thru this forum i came to know about propecia n minoxi 5%, and started using then since last three months,but have not seen much results since then, and moreover in last three weeks hair loss has inc a lot.though my hair has becomer little bit more thick.

    One thing i would like to add here is that as iam working i used to skip propecia once or twice in the week and use to apply minoxi once in a day after shower on semi dry hairs.

    Need help as hairs are going down real fast!!!!

  7. Dear All,

    I am suffering from heridatry hair fall,which considerably inc in last 5 moths as i ahve lost majorly on crown area where as hair line is in place.

    Thru this forum i came to know about propecia n minoxi 5%, and started using then since last three months,but have not seen much results since then, and moreover in last three weeks hair loss has inc a lot.though my hair has becomer little bit more thick.

    One thing i would like to add here is that as iam working i used to skip propecia once or twice in the week and use to apply minoxi once in a day after shower on semi dry hairs.

    Need help as hairs are going down real fast!!!!

  8. My hair fall started 5 years back,Till last one and half yaers hair regrowth was on but since then hair regrowth has stoped and my hair has got thinner day by day.Now the situation is that my head top is easly visible but hair line is still intact.I started propecia and minoxidyl a month back.But there is no improvement as such till now.Hair fall has increased.How should i go about it????

  9. My hair fall started 5 years back,Till last one and half yaers hair regrowth was on but since then hair regrowth has stoped and my hair has got thinner day by day.Now the situation is that my head top is easly visible but hair line is still intact.I started propecia and minoxidyl a month back.But there is no improvement as such till now.Hair fall has increased.How should i go about it????

  10. My hair fall started 5 years back,Till last one and half yaers hair regrowth was on but since then hair regrowth has stoped and my hair has got thinner day by day.Now the situation is that my head top is easly visible but hair line is still intact.I started propecia and minoxidyl a month back.But there is no improvement as such till now.Hair fall has increased.How should i go about it????

  11. Thanx Bill,It's a sort of treasure island for a guy like me, i got to know so much about hair i didn't even dreamed off i will get to know one day.

    I am 26 Years old,Had not taken any medication for it before,i started lossing hair at the age of 20.My family has hai loss history both mom and dad side.I will be starting with Propecia and Minoxodil right away.Plz go thru my pics and advice what to do???

  12. Plz gudie me what to do whether should i go for HT?Or there are any other alternatives. Guys plz provide your valuable suggestions.And do tell me HT options in India as i won't be able to bear the exp of Ht outside india.As my hairline is ok,Am lossing hair from crown area and rst of area the hair are getting thin day by day and by head skin is clearly visible.Plz advice ASAPMy album

  13. This is the link to my Photo album My Ablum

    Plz gudie me what to do whether should i go for HT?Or there are any other alternatives. Guys plz provide your valuable suggestions.And do tell me HT options in India as i won't be able to bear the exp of Ht outside india.As my hairline is ok,Am lossing hair from crown area and rst of area the hair are getting thin day by day and by head skin is clearly visible.Plz advice ASAP icon_confused.gif

  14. This is the link to my Photo album My Ablum

    Plz gudie me what to do whether should i go for HT?Or there are any other alternatives. Guys plz provide your valuable suggestions.And do tell me HT options in India as i won't be able to bear the exp of Ht outside india.As my hairline is ok,Am lossing hair from crown area and rst of area the hair are getting thin day by day and by head skin is clearly visible.Plz advice ASAP icon_confused.gif

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