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Posts posted by Ingo79

  1. Hi,


    just to give potential Propecia consumers and us an idea how good Propecia works, would you post very quick, what results you have experienced with propecia...


    ..maybe this has been done before, but anyway the more people post, the higher is the accuracy of this tiny study...




  2. Well my hair used to be really dense and thick...it becomes thinner and thinner..this is really sure, also my doctor prescribing propecia to me confirms that. There's really no doubt...If I would send a photo to you, you would say "Hey, where's the problem?" but taking a closer look it would be obvious as the hair on top has got another density and structure yet...


    I consumed Propecia around 2 years, and like I mentioned I believe that it stabilised my hair loss, but the last times I recognised pain in my testicles so I stopped taking the pills, the pain was gone...starting again the pain came back...and so on and so on...I even went to an urologist, recommending me to stop the consumation of Propecia...


    I also tried Menoxidil for one year, no effect, and I got really hard scull from it (by the way I think the usage is not practical)....



    'Ultra refined follicular transplantation'...you say that this is a new type of HT...how new is it? Do you think this technique has reached Germany?


    Regards and thanks again,

    You the man!


  3. Hi Felc,


    thanks a lot again for the reply. I think you do a really great job with this site, and I get a lot of information I would certainly not get from a doctor's brochure....


    I think my previous answer was not clear. I still have 'full hair' which means, that there is no bald area on my head yet...In future it will look like 5A or 6. So my question is, when can I start to apply HT to my hair. Is HT only applicable to real bald areas? Would a HT destroy existing areas?


    It would be great if you could help me again....

  4. Hello Bill,


    thanks for the reply...According to the Norwood Scale, I would be something between 5A or 6.

    I think my remaining hair on the side, is quite robust so I'd have the donor laxity.


    Well, I know that it is impossible to realise a density of hair by HT which is comparable to what I had in the past. And ok, maybe I don't make friends with the statement that I wouldn't mind being bald with the age of 40. I know that sounds stupid, but it's the way I think...I didn't even reach the age of 30, and so all I want to do is a sort of deceleration of my hair loss? Would that be possible?


    Thanks for the list...my plan was also to consult a doctor. But as doctor's want to earn money, I wanted to talk to people having experience with HT.


    Regards and thanks,


  5. Hello from Germany,


    my name is Ingo and I'm 28 years old. Looking for information about HT I found this discussion forum.

    I have 1-2 questions about this topic and I would be deeply grateful if somebody could help me.

    I have experienced Propecia for a couple of years, and I believe that it 'stabilised' my hair loss. Unfortunately side effects were occuring, which were not mentioned in the package insert, so I stopped consuming them. As my doctor said, I would be a 'perfect candidate' for Propecia, as my hair loss is diffuse (I hope I use the right vocabulary), which means that my hair loss is evenly spread over the top of my head. Luckily I still have some hair on my head, but my scalp starts to occur, which is not really pleasing to me.


    Now I come to my question. In my eyes, HT is logically more suitable for 'real' bald areas rather than for areas with diffuse hair loss. Would you say that it is anyhow possible to apply HT to me, for let's say a 'filling up' of my hair? And would it be possible to do it now?





  6. Hello from Germany,


    my name is Ingo and I'm 28 years old. Looking for information about HT I found this discussion forum.

    I have 1-2 questions about this topic and I would be deeply grateful if somebody could help me.

    I have experienced Propecia for a couple of years, and I believe that it 'stabilised' my hair loss. Unfortunately side effects were occuring, which were not mentioned in the package insert, so I stopped consuming them. As my doctor said, I would be a 'perfect candidate' for Propecia, as my hair loss is diffuse (I hope I use the right vocabulary), which means that my hair loss is evenly spread over the top of my head. Luckily I still have some hair on my head, but my scalp starts to occur, which is not really pleasing to me.


    Now I come to my question. In my eyes, HT is logically more suitable for 'real' bald areas rather than for areas with diffuse hair loss. Would you say that it is anyhow possible to apply HT to me, for let's say a 'filling up' of my hair? And would it be possible to do it now?





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