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Posts posted by kevinj

  1. Sorry, when I say Chicago, it's actually Oak Brook.


    Darkside? Man, there must be A LOT of bad MHR experiences. That sux. If my consultation is at all a reflection of their service, i think it would be a good one.


    I believe it's about 5000 for about 1500.

  2. Binocular microscopes and all FU grafts. I snickered when I said the FU thing...don't know why.


    Actually I work at an airline so flying for me is free. And i've got a friend in Phx and I've been lookin for an excuse. If you don't mind me askin, how many grafts did you get?


    Oh, and the price was 5 g's. Is that about right? For I think...1200 grafts...crap, i forgot now. Just the front of my head..I think it was 2500 now. Damn , not only am I losin my hair, apparently my memory is on a roadtrip.

  3. Well, i went to MHR today....got in about 11 and out by 11:20. Not bad. Few things:


    First off, the front desk girl was hotter than hell icon_biggrin.gif


    Second....I was seen by a REAL doctor. He was really nice. Checked me out....told me how many grafts and how much. He actually told me there was no need for extensive work due to the fact the back of my head is the worst and I could just use Propecia or Proscar.


    There was no pressure. Just the consultation and then he asked if I had any questions. I saw work of the doctor that was going to perform the surgery .... asked a few more questions and then he just said to call for an appointment. Very no-pressure situation.


    So, maybe this particular MHR is good. Oh, the doctor that is going to do the procedure just did the largest transplantation. Something like 12,000 or so. He did it on WGN news. I thought that was cool. My planner is in my car but, I'll post the name later.

  4. Cool...thanks guys. I've got my appointment today in about 2hrs. Here's some questions i'm going to ask:


    1. Is there a guarantee?

    2. If nothing grows, will there be a refund or just more surgery (Kinda the same as # 1)

    3. Do they use microscopes to dissect the grafts?

    4. Do they use real FU grafts?

    5. What is the experience of the doctor, and can I see multiply examples of his/her work?

    6. What is the density I can expect from this surgery?

    7. How long do I have to wait to go back to working out?



    Those are a few...if you experienced guys can think of some more, or better ones please, let me know. This is probably one of MANY consultations. Although I don't wanna go bald for another summer. I WANT MY HAIR BACK!!!!

  5. Hey all....i've searched through the site pretty well and i've discovered something. No one here likes MHR ( which is what I think is Medical Hair Restoration) well, I have an appointment w/them this week. Can anyone give me a suggestion on who else to contact? Thanks all.

  6. Hey all....i've searched through the site pretty well and i've discovered something. No one here likes MHR ( which is what I think is Medical Hair Restoration) well, I have an appointment w/them this week. Can anyone give me a suggestion on who else to contact? Thanks all.

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