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Posts posted by ThomasJ

  1. Yesterday I talked to a PAI Medical consultant, and he confirmed that in about a year I'll be ready for a transplant. I'm in the beginning stages of hairloss. He went over the specifications of the procedure and hair. He mentioned that Dr. Roy Stoller is the surgeon for their company. I don't know too much about PAI Medical, but since I've been browsing this these forums I recently narrowed my surgeon down to Epstein. I'm an African American and I started using propecia and minoxidil today. I plan on using them for the next year to see how much hair I keep and/or become thicker. By then I can see what to do about the transplant.


    I have some questions though. PAI Medical stressed that they do multi unit hair grafting. Which procedure is better between muhg (PAI Medical Provides muhg only) and follicular unit micrografting (Dr. Jeffrey Epstein procedure)? Has anyone heard of Dr. Roy Stoller? My last question for right now is Dr. Jeffrey Epstein's donor scars. I wear a hairstyle low but not almost bald. If you can picture Reggie Bush or Jamie Foxx's hair then that's how I style mine. It would be a major plus if Epstein's donor scars are pencil thin like Jamie Foxx's scar. Please give me your answers and thoughts. I would put my pictures on here but I'm rushing to get to the weight room, lol. I will post them within a couple days. Thanks everyone!

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