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My current status..

My current status..

This is my current photos. I am looking for a hair transplant. I m in Norwood scale 6. I consulted few hair transplant surgeons in India including the ones recommended here and the best I answer I have got is 2000-2300 FUT can be done if I like it. The area covered will be around 58 sq cm (2300 @ 40 per sq cm). This will be in the frontal region from the hairline going back. This is very less as compared to the total bald area. I am worried about the looks after the transplantation whether it will actually improve my current looks or degrade it. Also whether it will be natural to have hair only in the frontal region without any hair at the crown like a Zebra crossing. Need advise from experts and people what to do?

  • Album created by Normalguy
  • Updated
  • 6 images

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