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3,660 grafts 6months post-op Dr. Shelly Friedman

3,660 grafts 6months post-op  Dr. Shelly Friedman

Patient was a class 5 when he came in. Patient wanted to have the frontal area filled in. Dr. Friedman explained that with the amount of loss that he had typically requires 2 surgeries. The first surgery would give him the look of someone who has hair loss (instead of being bald in an area). The second surgery would fill it in significantly and be much denser. Patient decided to have as many as possible harvested out of the donor strip. They were able to extract 3,660 grafts. 1,036 single hairs placed in the anterior hairline bilaterally. 2,624 grafts placed bilaterally in the frontal region and in the anterior mid-scalp bilaterally. Patient is very happy with results looking forward to seeing his 1 year photo's when it is all filled in.

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