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HELP! A graph has fell out. What is recipient area meant to look like 3 days post-op?



Hi all,

I had an FUT hair transplant three days ago to lower my high hairline.

I have followed all pre-op instructions and as today is day three, I have washed my full head with baby shampoo. There is quite a lot of dried blood on the recipient area so I have washed this very lightly with my fingertips and dabbed the area with a thin cotton cloth. About 40% of the dried blood has came off but the rest still remains. My post op instructions tell me to wash the area daily, so will the blood eventually come off or do I need to be more vigorous?

Also, there was a slightly large dried clot on the line of my natural hairline. I became quite vigorous trying to remove the blood and as a result one of my graphs fell out and it then started to bleed. The bleeding has now stopped but there is a little hole were the graft used to be, will this make a big difference to the overall result? As far as I'm aware, this is the only graph that has fell out.

Also, there is now little white marks around most of the newly implanted hair. Is this something to worry about? It looks like skin so I'm worried it is the hair follicle popping out of place?

Thanks :)

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hi Sis


Greetings !!!


loosing one graft should not be a real concern,im wesley from India age 30 underwent a ht surgery by fut method after 2 years of research.Post operation you are not allowed to wash your head for a minimum of 5 days so that the grafts don't get dislodged.


Post three days the recipient area looks very reddish and pink with dried blood throughout the transplanted area,it should not be an area of concern.


In my case i washed my scalp,that is the recipient area with spray cans(filled water in spray cans,sprayed water in the recipient area at a distance of 5inches from scalp made foam of baby shampoo in hand and applied in recipient area and again sprayed and washed it,though doctors advice us to gently scrub with fingers there are chances that we disturb the grafts specially in ladies when happen to touch them with the nails.In most cases as per ht surgeons all hairs fall of and start to grow only after 2 months in my case close to 50% of the transplant hairs have not fallen and still continue to grow from the transplanted area.


Please do not be vigorous as such scalp is a sensitive area and you need to give time for scubs to dry and fall on its own.I also used a clean duster (i.e.sponge to gently press them on the donor area to remove the scubs while shower again not vigorously)


Trust this helps you to some extent.


Happy growing





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