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Yaz89's Blog

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  • Regular Member

Hi Yaz,


Might be a stupid question, but have you tried Finasteride or Minoxidil? From the looks of things you could potentially be quite a strong respomder to finasteride, as it is possible your follicles are still only in the early-mid stages of miniturization. (Impossible to tell from pictures, but just my opinion) It certainly may be worth checking it out if you haven't done so already, as it could potentially yield real results, yet avoiding the long term commitment that comes with having to 'chase' that first HT which defines the hairline.


The above is only my own opinion, but I know I'm definitely glad I hit the meds for a few years before deciding on the surgical route.



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  • Senior Member

Thanks for your input, its always great to hear others input. I haven't tried minoxidil or finasteride. Firstly, I have just finished university and been working in a supermarket for the past six years...a check-out operator doesn't get paid much! lol. The price of regaine or propecia is far too much expensive in my eyes in England. Currently looking myself in the mirror with an margining glass there are no follicles in the area where my hair loss occurred. I understand regaine doesn't work on bald spots and propecia can take up to a year before some start seeing results. Currently there is no hair loss; the crown, back of the head and the side are all strong and thick...the plan is if after the transplant hair loss does occur I will consider propecia

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