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HT2, six weeks after



These photos were taken on day 45, just over six weeks post HT.

I haven't suffered much - if any - shock loss, so my hair now looks pretty similar to pre-op, aside from a little redness in the recipient area. This is largely covered now by the native hair.

The main contrast with my previous HT is that I have not suffered from any pimples bar a couple of tiny ones. By this stage following my previous HT I had pimples popping up all over the recipient area. Is that a sign things are healing more normally?

The other main difference is that the scalp was not as red first time round - I'm guessing that's down to Dr Lindsey packing the front hairline more densely this time.

The scar is a little red, but nothing out of the ordinary. When I went to see my barber for a trim, he said the scar was the best he had seen out of about 20 HT cases whose hair he has cut.

I started using minoxidil foam four days ago. I tried Minoxidil once before about five years ago, for about 6-9 months, with partial success on the crown, but I didn't like the greasiness, and it made my beard much tougher. Hoping it will help cover up a bit more of my thinning crown. I am off finasteride completely.





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  • Senior Member

Hi Albion71,


I wish you all the best and I think you chose a good surgeon to perform your operation. He seems like he is dedicated and caring person. I hope you get the result that you deserve. I read all about your previous experience.


Best wishes Rod

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