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WORTH RIDING TO ON A SUMMER AFTERNOON.(theresa romens: Just to get people in the Midwest out to Iowa, this is God's country and we say that all the time, but we want to share that too, the trees are beautiful, the landscape is great, the people are great and that makes it a good environment to be in) IN MILLS COUNTY AMANDA CRAWFORD KETV NEWSWATCH SEVEN. THERE WILL BE MEETINGS ABOUT THE NEW BIKE ROUTE, OVER THE NEXT COUPLE MONTHS. ANYONE WHO LIVES IN MILLS COUNTY CAN OFFER IDEAS AND OPINIONS ABOUT WHERE IT SHOULD.

The Founders and past senators created a system of checks and balances for some darn good reasons. Reid is the type of Senator whose record clearly demonstrates that he takes orders from the Whitehouse. No budget for four years, now why is that? Maybe the senate democrats would also like to pass a"wealth tax?" Senate democras are pretty wealthy compared to the Repblicans in the senate, so doubt they want to give up anything, nor have Obamacare as their medical program.

It allows the entire company to be positively impacted by the experiences of coworkers and has transformed the way we recognize our successes and hard work," said Aaron Brownlee, chief operating officer, who oversees the program. Winners each quarter are given up to $250 for an overnight hotel stay, dinner out and/or entertainment tickets. Winners to date are: Judy Jones, tax adviser, Fairview; Beth Jerrell, client services coordinator, Fairview; and Tamara White, investment client service manager, Enid.

Seen any movies lately that feature an AI or computer that gone rogue (I can think of three off the top of my head from the past 5 years alone)? I bet you can guess where that plot came from. 2001: A Space Odyssey is the science fiction film, and yet, there are no cheesy blue elephants, no epic space battles, no futuristic weapons or encounters with bizarre alien cultures. This film is above that.

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