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Parsa Mohebi Review



I've had 2 FUE beard-to-scalp procedures w/ Dr. Mohebi years after 2 strip procedures elsewhere (3,000, then 1,600-1,800 from same strip). In 2015, 1,300 FUE combined beard-to-scalp (900) and scalp-to-scalp (400) w/ Dr. Mohebi, then another 1,300 beard to scalp (100%) in late 2016. Overall, I've been quite pleased w/ the entire experience. Dr. Mohebi is very reassuring and calming. His voice is so soothing and relaxing, he could probably do hypnosis or meditation recordings. The staff are very attentive and helpful. From the start, everyone ensures comfort and all needs are taken care of. It's a long day and difficult to be stationary so long, but the staff does everything possible to make it tolerable. They provide a nice lunch, plus water, snacks and ice cream in the afternoon, if desired. They will also play movies or music.

Unfortunately, I have poor hair genetics and started thinning in early 20's with significant balding by late 20's to early 30's. To make things worse, I don't have great donor hair with very fine texture and lack of density. As a result, the 2 strip procedures helped slow the balding effect into my 30's, but couldn't do much beyond that and before long it was sparse coverage. I tried cover-ups and other things, but it was a futile effort and eventually got to the point that I needed something else as what I saw in the mirror wasn't who I saw in my head. I investigated hair systems, but couldn't swallow the ongoing frequent maintenance and high costs. I preferred to have more of my own hair permanently. I felt out of options and was ready to start shaving my head, but had a sizeable strip scar to consider. Luckily, I came across information online about beard-to-scalp transplants, then found Dr. Mohebi who performs them. I'm not fortunate enough to have an amazingly thick beard either, but it was good enough to be a realistic option after meeting w/ Dr. Mohebi and felt much more optimistic. He takes time during the consultation to provide realistic options and advice based on his experience. He also meets in the morning of the procedure to review and update the game plan, then again at the end to review the procedure, post-op instructions, etc. The instructions are very clear and the staff does a great job answering questions, too. A nice kit is provided with a neck pillow, hat, shampoo, etc.

The anesthesia injections may be the worst part as the scalp is sensitive, but it numbs the head and donor areas to make the rest more comfortable. They did re-inject a few times as it wore off, but that isn't unusual. They'll provide some pills to help relax and make everything smoother. I didn't want heavy meds, but still was relaxed enough that I even fell asleep in the chair at one point.

Honestly, I felt disappointed with the outcome after the 1st procedure with Dr. Mohebi until about the 8-9 month mark when I finally had enough grow in for an appreciable difference. It would've been ideal to do the procedures (1,300 each) on back-to-back days, as he suggested, but I simply couldn't afford it. Instead, I delayed a year between them and now waiting on new hair to grow and fill in to provide a more symmetric and full look. We decided to focus on the middle and off to one side initially as I was combing my hair to one side and using a topical cover-up product, but it's starting to fill in now.

The beard donor area heals very rapidly. There were dots for a day or so, then it looked like a sunburn and gradually faded until it was hardly noticeable by 4-5 days. After the 1st procedure my donor areas on back/sides where they shaved were patchy and apparent for a while until it grew in (worse w/ my thin, fine hair). I planned the procedures prior to vacation w/ time off work, but I was fully functional and felt fine the day after w/ no limitations. I had no bruising in the donor or recipient areas, and slept w/ an extra pillow the first couple nights, plus used ice packs. I didn't take any pain meds, only the steroid to minimize swelling. There was definite shock loss w/ my first procedure, but not as noticeable after the 2nd w/ the other transplanted beard hairs to provide cover. I used Propecia for a few months before and after both procedures, in addition to Rogaine, which has been long-term. There was some itching after that can be annoying, and 2-3 weeks after I developed some pimple-like bumps (folliculitis). It was never extensive, just one or two at a time w/ little sore, inflamed bumps, but they heal within a few days and after a while resolve completely. The key w/ hair transplant procedures is to have a long-term approach. It isn't an overnight change. If looking for that, go get a hair system or shave your head as that will be an instant change. Overall, Dr. Mohebi and his staff do a wonderful job. I'm already eagerly anticipating my next procedure trying to obtain an even better head of hair.... just have to save up as it is expensive. No one ever said relocating hair was cheap!


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