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My journey of hair transplant in Turkey



No matter how pristine you looked in your younger days, the real test of the facial beauty for a lady occurs once she hits her 30's. You end up spending half your life’s savings on cosmetics, spas and other beautifying techniques but what about the necessary attention that is demanded by your hair? I am guilty as I confess that, I was too one of those ladies who didn’t bother much about her hair. I mean yeah, I did the bare minimum but I failed when it came to providing the right nourishment to my scalp or my roots for that matter. And with time, it started to show on my head. A harmless amount of hair fall turned into a scary nightmare for me the previous year when, I noticed myself losing hair each time I even touched it.

So, without much thought I looked upto Google and was almost praying that this hair fall doesn’t turn out to be a symptom of some life-taking disease. But thankfully that didn’t happen. However, on the other side I saw extreme stage of thinning of my hair strands and rapid hair fall from the major area of my scalp. I went to a nearby physician and was made to realize that it was time for me to go for hair transplant treatment, as my hair condition was becoming edgy with every day passing by. Consequently, I initiated my search for an affordable hair transplant clinic in and around my home in New Jersey. The price range for every trichologist was startling in the States. I also came across this term “medical tourism” which was apparently quite a popular phenomenon for medical tourists travelling to other countries for an inexpensive and quality treatment. I noticed that Turkey was the much talked about destination when it came to hair transplant. I did the maths, and confirmed that a hair transplant in Turkey would cost me much lesser than the one within US, at least if I wanted a quality treatment and post-op facilities.

Last December, I went to Istanbul along with my sister-in-law and the clinic staff with whom we had booked an appointment had arranged for our conveyance and the lodgings. I met Dr. Shamam Hassain there and he explained me the entire procedure and by what time I can expect my hair to grow back to its natural length. He conducted the surgery with the state-of-the-art equipment and latest technology. The staff were very professional and within roughly 9 hours, my surgery was completed.

Soon after the surgery we explored the tourist attractions on Istanbul and the experience was really fulfilling. After a few more sessions with Dr. Hassain in Turkey, we landed back to the States. Post 5 months of my hair surgery treatment, I am satisfied with the results and compliment the hair surgeons of Turkey to handle cases like mine with such professionalism. Without burning a huge hole in my pocket, I have gladly retained my confidence over the past few months. I suggest hair loss patients to consider Turkey for their treatment, from my own experience.


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