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Dr Bisanga 6/7/15 FUE 1953 - Norwood 2. London Lad.



So after years of research and 7 months of waiting here I am sitting in the hotel Catalonia after undergoing FUE surgery with Dr Bisanga yesterday. I'm 34 years old, work in the City of London and am Norwood 2. Most people reading this will know the drill on surgery day so I won't go into too much detail but I arrived at the bhr clinic at 7.50am, after a consultation with DR Bisanga I had my bloods done. I decided to keep my hair unshaven on top, but as it looks a right mess now I may shave it. I'll wait a week before making that decision as everything is short, red and crusty so it all looks pretty dreadful. The nurse shaves you down and begins the anasthestic jabs in the donor. Here's a little heads up, some of these hurt. Most are ok but 25% of them really hurt. Like a man, I didn't make a sound but I was gripping pretty tight to the chair.

DR Bisanga then punches the holes, all 1700 of the them. The nurse then does the extraction. It's a long boring process which is pretty uncomfortable at times. I had lunch at 2pm with my wife then the afternoon was spent inplanting the grafts. Dr Bisanga makes the slits for inplantation. Again the anaesthetic Jabs hurt. The nurses plant the hairs with dr Bisanga coming in to check. With me, I needed a further 200 grafts done to fill in an area so the above process started again. I was done at 6.30pm. A pretty long day.

My my overall experience of the bhr clinic is good, the word that comes to mind the most is professional. They know what they are doing and I felt in good in their hands the whole way through. I am traveling home today on the Eurostar complete with that awful bandana they provide. I look like a pirate, but it's par for the course. I've attached some pre and post op pics and will be updating this blog pretty regularly mainly because these blogs helped me immensely over the last few years.


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  • Regular Member

I've added a 5.5 month photo, it has really thickened up in the last month. I'm started to get questions asked by friends and colleagues. 'Jokes' about have I 'done a rooney' are pretty frequent now which I am laughing off. I've still got a little patch on the right side that doesn't have as much hair in it, but I'm hoping this will fill in and is just in a longer resting phase than the rest. I'm seeing Dr Bisanga in London next month for a check up.

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  • Regular Member

Looks excellent and is really taking shape .Im impressed how the hairline seems too have settled in.Looks like Dr Bisanga was correct with conservative approach as it looks very natural.

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I've uploaded a comparison pic. One is the day before surgery in July and one from yesterday. Excuse the lighting which makes it look like I've dyed my hair (summer v winter hair too).


I'm pretty happy with it now when 1 month ago I was pretty downbeat. Crazy how it's changed in just 4 weeks. Good news is they say this is still only 50/60% of the final result. Did you decide on your surgeon?

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  • Regular Member

That's a big improvement .The old picture looks like your receding but the recent looks like you've a full head of hair.I think Dr Bisanga is still the one I want due to his involvement in the procedure .Im getting married in 2017 so I will have to aim for next July to be on the safe side regarding growth.The shaved head and redness is still a big factor for me.I wish I could just get over it.Have you any regrets so far.?

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  • Regular Member

You are where I was a few years ago. I put it off it for 2 years for the same reasons. Shaved head, people finding out etc. I work in the city in an office so shaved head was a no but after 3 weeks off it was bearable and no one ever suspected a HT. In fact, these last 2 weeks is the first time anyone has mentioned the words 'hair transplant'.


No regrets for me other than I wish I'd done it sooner but I'm 34 so wanted to wait a bit.

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  • Regular Member

Yea I'm 34 also and have been trying to hold off as long as possible.When I went for consult my donor density was a little on the low side 65/65/70 I think but had good groupings but Dr Bisanga seemed to think I was a good candidate.Was you donor density high?

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