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Dr. Lindsey -- surgery scheduled for 2/26


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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone!


I've been mostly lurking on this site for seven or so months now.


Finally, this week, after meeting with various Drs recommended on this site, I decided to go forward with a relatively small (i.e. 1250 graft) HT with Dr. Wm. Lindsey of McLean, VA.


I have been very impressed with Dr. Lindsey's consistent results, as posted on this site. Beyond that, after speaking with Dr. Lindsey, I realized that we were exactly on the same page as far as surgical objectives. He is very easy to talk to, and has been responsive to all communication. Very impressive.


I started a hairloss weblog, which I will update frequently after the surgery.


My objectives are to fill-in, to an extent, the "frontal triangle" regions of the hairline, which have experienced almost all of the hairloss.


Also, ideally, I would not like for the frontal portion of the hairline to be "see-through," as it currently is. I like to spike up this part of my hair.


Dr. Lindsey recommended grafting hairs 1/4" or so behind the current hairline, so as to safeguard against future hairloss. I think this is a great idea. Although I have not experienced any further hairloss since starting propecia 2 years ago, I would rather be safe than sorry and have to come in for another surgery a year or two down the road.


This website is GREAT. Thank you everyone for your questions. They've helped me learn a lot about this process.


I will keep you updated.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks a lot, Bill, for the wishes and for all of the work you've done with this site. I have learned a tremendous deal and will be better off in this for all you've done. Thank you man icon_smile.gif


I will definitely keep this updated.

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  • Senior Member

juju..good luck with the surgery. You've got a bit of a wait ahead but I'm sure you'll be happy in the end. This forum will continue to be a source of support and encouragement especially during the 2 and 3 month doldrums. Keep us posted on your progress.

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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