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How long did your new hair initially last?


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I was curious how long the new hair lasted after the surgery before it shed. I had my surgery on December 20 and now that it is Jan 10 most of the transplanted hair has fallen out. I was told that this was going to happen and was just wondering when it happened to others? My doctor told me only about 10% stays but of course in 4-5 months the transplanted hair should start coming me really well. It was nice while it lasted. I understand how many people could get depressed at this point but I think this is a stage everyone goes through and is part of the natural process before the hair comes back in full force. Please tell me I am correct about this guys.

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  • Regular Member

I was curious how long the new hair lasted after the surgery before it shed. I had my surgery on December 20 and now that it is Jan 10 most of the transplanted hair has fallen out. I was told that this was going to happen and was just wondering when it happened to others? My doctor told me only about 10% stays but of course in 4-5 months the transplanted hair should start coming me really well. It was nice while it lasted. I understand how many people could get depressed at this point but I think this is a stage everyone goes through and is part of the natural process before the hair comes back in full force. Please tell me I am correct about this guys.

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  • Senior Member

I think a post-surgery mild depression is not uncommon. Part of it might be due to the dormant phase, and seeing the grafted follicles go away.


As far as timing, and how long the hairs stick around for before the temporary dormant phase, it's different for different guys. You might even find that later surgeries for you, are a little bit different from this one as far as timing goes. There is no hard and fast rule of thumb.


Average times? I dunno. Maybe roughly 2 weeks of hair post surgery, then the dormant phase for 10 weeks (?). Then the hair begins to emerge again and grow normally (about a half nch per month). Just an estimate, I don't think there is a definitive answer, as I said.


Seems like you are on schedule so far. Good luck, I hope everything works out.

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  • Senior Member

From what I've read, it's different for everyone. I wouldn't be too concerned that most of the new hair has fallen out.


I had 1200 FUT's almost exactly a year ago mostly placed in the front and on top. I remember wondering when the new grafts would shed as had been mentioned might happen. For me, I'd say 60% or so fell out during the first month or so, but the remaining stayed dormant until about month 2 or 3 then started growing.


My main issue after the procedure was some shockloss. I still had some hair in the front and top area where the new grafts were placed. But, about a month or so after the HT I noticed it had thinned. Also had some thinning around the scar which has since filled in for the most part. Though my hair has continued to thicken, most of my growth seemed to take off at about month 3. I do think I noticed a few new ones that were placed closer to the crown within the past few weeks. I have been told crown grafts sometimes take longer to start.


I'm sure you'll start seeing results soon. It's fun watching the progress. Hope it turns out like you expected.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

I shed my ht hair very fast, first couple weeks. I have a extremley fast metabolism and heal very fast and wonder if this played a role in it. I must admit for me time has been flying by and the waiting has not been hard at all, the big hurdle was the actual Ht ( this being my first) venturing into that unknown and the down period when I was healing. I also started bodybuilding as soon as I could and havent done this in a long time, I guess seeing my body change has taken the focus off waiting for my hair to grow.

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  • Senior Member

It's quite common to get kind of down-and-out after a hair transplant or any cosmetic surgery procedure. It's something you have looked forward to and researched for a while, you go get it, and in the weeks following you don't get "immediate gratification." Happens to the majority of patients in some amount or another, I would think. Your appearance will go back to (or probably already is) much like it was pre-op and in a few months things will begin to pop for you.


I lost around 85% of my transplanted hair in the third week. There were some stubborn clingers-on, but not many. It sounds like everything is going right on track for you.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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