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questions about scabs

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Hi, I had my transplant 4 months ago (in Sept 08). It's been 4 months and I still have scabs in my transplant area. At first, they were pimples and i guess they turned into scabs? I didn't pop them. I just let them heal on their own. My question is when my scabs come off, hairs were attached to them (fell off with the scabs). I'm kind of worried since i still got some on my head. Is it a normal process? are they grafts or hair? because some hair that fell off in my transplant area were long. Thank you.

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Hi, I had my transplant 4 months ago (in Sept 08). It's been 4 months and I still have scabs in my transplant area. At first, they were pimples and i guess they turned into scabs? I didn't pop them. I just let them heal on their own. My question is when my scabs come off, hairs were attached to them (fell off with the scabs). I'm kind of worried since i still got some on my head. Is it a normal process? are they grafts or hair? because some hair that fell off in my transplant area were long. Thank you.

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Hair attached to scabs as they fall off after surgery is typical. However, at 4 months, you shouldn't still have scabs from the day of your surgery. Are you sure these aren't pimples that didn't form later and turn into scabs as you suggested?


In my opinion, speak to your surgeon about your concerns.


Also, we'll be able to help you more if you post photos.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for the reply, Bill ,


Sorry, I wasn't explained it clearly. There wasn't any scabs from the day of the surgery. They fell off long time ago, like in the first 2-3 weeks. The scabs on my head now are from last couple of weeks. I'm not sure if they were formed from the pimples. I believe they are now. The main issue I'm worried is that when the scabs fell off, the hairs come with them. Again, is it a normal process? Thank you

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