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Nutrition and scalp condition

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Hello guys i couldn‘t find the right section to ask this question, so I hope its fine here.

Can anyone share some expiriences here regarding nutrition and scalp condition? Is there anything you changed or added to your nutrition which significantly improved your condition?

Or do you even know any studies which had researched on that? Because I couldn‘t find clinical studies so far.

As mentioned in another thread I‘m suffering from scalp condition (one doctor said it is seborrohic dermatits, another one its an eczema) which I simply don‘t get rid off. It always comes back.

Luckily it seems that it didn‘t effect my restoration progress so far, the hair is growing, but as it comes back and back again i still lose some of the new hairs while trying to remove it and I just want it to stop so everything can just evolve as its supposed to be.

I don‘t see any sense in visiting doctors anymore who don‘t take the issue seriously, prescribe every time the same medication which has 0 effect or even worsen it.

I want to try new approaches and maybe changing my nutrition can be a key.

If there is anyone who has expierience or researched this topic for a while please let me know. It is incredibly depressing to have done a great restoration procedure that certainly would lead to a desired result but which I can‘t really enjoy atm fearing that it could fail because of that mess.

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13 minutes ago, Big Rome said:

I’ve read Juniper shampoo is a game changer 

Yes I‘ve got mines today and used it for the first time. I‘ve read that many people hate the smell but I actually love it :D

But from my expierience I don‘t have much expectations, I believe it‘s a problem on the inside rather than outside as I‘ve tried so many things already and nothing has helped that should have helped.

I can imagnie that with right nutrition it may be better, but the question is what the right one is.


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19 minutes ago, MKE 1968 said:

Thanks for sharing Juniper Shampoo.  Is there a certain brand you recommend? 

It‘s the one from Tony Maleedy. It was recommended to a user here by Dr. Ball. 96% natural ingredients and has a very high reputation.

I can‘t evaluate it so far as I just used it once so far.

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4 minutes ago, mero1748 said:

It‘s the one from Tony Maleedy. It was recommended to a user here by Dr. Ball. 96% natural ingredients and has a very high reputation.

I can‘t evaluate it so far as I just used it once so far.

Thanks!  Appreciate the feedback


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  • Moderators

Red meat can cause some skin issues for some people. You may want to try staying away from red meat for a while and see what happens.


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(formerly BeHappy)

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