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DHI procedure booked with Dr Ahmed Altan at Aestepool (Istanbul)

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Hello I finally made the decision to go ahead with Dr Ahmed Altan in Istanbul on July 22nd. I will be travelling all the way from Canada and quite nervous. Any recommedations on questions I should ask or items that I should be concerned about before the procedure? 

Why I chose him is he was able to communicate with me directly on some questions I had (which I appreciated to hear directly from a doctor). I was also was able to confirm that he would be involved in the procedure...I have read here that at some places the only time you se the doctor is when he draws your hairline. I also had asked if if he could do the DHI procedure so that I could not have to shave the top of my head which he told me that he could accommodate. My priority is to keep my current hairline and create some more density. I may be dreaming but I would like to try and hide the procedure when I go back to work after 3 weeks off. The qoute I have is for 2500-3000 graphs, as mentioned he will be doing a DHI procedure and sapphire FUE in more noticeable areas.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated


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6 hours ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

really interested in your experience. the results ive seen so far from this doctor on this site seem promising

may i ask how much he charges?


tipps? just the usual, neckpillow etc. 

They offer the FUE procedure for 2490 Euros plus 200 Euros extra to use the Choi (DHI) is some areas of the scalp. 

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