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Transplanted Hair Growth 13 days post-op.

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This is my first post so I am excited to hear the answers to my questions. Glad to be aboard. I was a 37 year old NW 2 with recession in my frontal hairline and temples. The rest of my hair is in great shape. I had a hairline and temple restoration procedure with DR. Keene on 12/22/08. I am excited as hell about getting back my hairline! At 13 days out I have experienced minimal to moderate shedding primarily from my twice daily application of Rogaine (foam). I am probably experiencing some shedding during my daily shower also.


I have noticed that the remaining transplanted hair is growing. The hairs are getting longer but they appear to be thin and weak. I am getting nervous that I might end up with a "patchy" look if this is the quality of my hair density in the long run. Is there a chance that even though this hair is growing that it will still shed?


I may be overreacting because the rest of my hair is long (including my bangs which allow for concealment) so I can't really compare the density of these short transplanted hairs (taken from a shorter cut donor area)to similarly short native hair. Should I expect more shedding of the transplanted hairs? Is it realistic to be worried about the quality of these remaining transplanted hairs at this point?


Maybe if I retain some of these transplanted hairs they will thicken up?


Thanks in advance for your replies. I am glad to be aboard!



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  • Regular Member

It's normal for most or all of the transplanted hairs to shed. I had my procedure on the 22nd of December as well and I started to notice shedding yesterday. The follicles go into a resting phase for a month or two and will then start to grow again.

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  • Senior Member

I've had several HT over the past 15 yrs and the last 2 I used Graphcyte and Rogain on the recepient area and it help speed up the dormant period (actually didnt even have a dormant period) and 95% of my grafts did not shed. Some docs recommend this and others are neutral on the topic-- BUT it worked for me.



Dr. Shapiro

Rogaine xra-Propecia

MSM/Zinc/Saw Pallmetto

Enlyten anti-oxidant daily

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