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Anatomica Clinic - Dominican Republic 4000 grafts


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Hi everyone,

In June of 2022 I had a hair transplant (FUE) at the Anatomica Clinic in the Dominican Republic.

This clinic is (apparently) an extension of the one that is currently in Istanbul.

I did NOT KNOW this was a "tech clinic" until I arrived. But outside of the tech's talking throughout my entire procedure (which my wife and I relayed to the patient coordinator - "Nami Turk" and doctor after my procedure) I found the clinic, doctor, and staff to be very very caring and personable.

I'm 41, my hair started thinning around 35. My twin brother lost his hair before his 30's.

After having my head shaved, being checked by the nurse, etc. only then did I realize the doctor is not going to perform the procedure. It was going to be her "medical team" - all trained by her...

At this point I figured - based on what i had seen online (reviews), on instagram, and based on what i had seen in person - the people were very nice, friendly, the clinic was spotless, and i met and spoke with several people that were there for a FUE from the U.S (mostly New York).

Had I not had a very recent international trip prior to June 2022 I would have happily flown to Turkey... but the DR is 2 1/2 hours from me (I'm in South Florida) and I figured I could make this work.

I had previously contacted several centers in Turkey as well as Mexico...as the years went on my options were dwindling...some doctors/clinics wrote me back and said that i would need two surgeries or it was "too late"...

So with time running out, working a full time job, and my hair thinning rapidly I figured to do it.

I paid $4200 for 4000 grafts 

However, this included my wife and I staying 3 nights at an all inclusive resort on the beach. Transportation to and from the airport, to and from the hotel, PRP, blood analysis, meds, etc...

All of this went exactly as planned...

My biggest gripe was not knowing the doctor would perform the entire procedure (she provided oversight and did all of the incisions) and the "team" that did the procedure were talkative throughout the procedure and a little rude.... but otherwise the clinic - front office staff, nurse, and doctor were very very nice.

The procedure was long....almost 7 hours....

Here are some photos from before the procedure and monthly shots since then.

I am concerned that i still have so many spots that have not grown. The clinic has advised that it can take up to 18 months for the hair to grow on the crown....

All the photos I added are in order from - 

Hair before FUE

Post Op

Post Washing period

Then every month or so...

Most recent being last week.

As you can see, I still have patches in the areas where I was balding before... 

I waited cut my hair (the top) with clippers (a number 4) for the first time in Feb of this year (8 months post surgery). Prior to that, i had my hair cut with a scissors only.

Everyone tells me my hair looks great and I have "so much more hair" but although that may be true in some cases I am hoping the other areas will grow in.

My surgeon did NOT recommend rogaine.... and I'm contemplating starting to use it anyway in those areas...

Anyway, overall despite the somewhat rude technicians the doctor, staff, clinic and pricing was fine.

But all of that means nothing unless I get the results I want. 

Any input is appreciated. 

Thanks guys!













































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Hi mate,

Firstly it sort of looks like you've lost a bit of hair on top. Could be the lighting that is making the difference, but are you on finasteride?

Secondly, HT's give an illusion of density, so you'll probably find you need to wear the hair longer to get the most out of the transplant.

That said, you do seem to have a number of lagging areas where things haven't taken. I've never heard of the clinic you went to, which is a bit of a red flag - I and others on this forum have been around long enough to know who the best clinics & doctors are and I can't say anything about the clinic you chose. The best surgeon in the Dominican Republic is Dr Alba Reyes though.

At nearly 10 months you should really see a huge difference in most of the transplanted areas. Crown's can take longer to fill in, but you'd expect to see decent progress by now. Probably more than anything you need to stabilise your hair loss at this point. And don't attempt a second surgery on the cheap if things don't pan out how you wanted by 12-18 months. Most people can just about get away with an inadequate first surgery as long as it's not a disaster (yours isn't!). But two bad ones and you're out of grafts.

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19 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

Hi mate,

Firstly it sort of looks like you've lost a bit of hair on top. Could be the lighting that is making the difference, but are you on finasteride?

Secondly, HT's give an illusion of density, so you'll probably find you need to wear the hair longer to get the most out of the transplant.

That said, you do seem to have a number of lagging areas where things haven't taken. I've never heard of the clinic you went to, which is a bit of a red flag - I and others on this forum have been around long enough to know who the best clinics & doctors are and I can't say anything about the clinic you chose. The best surgeon in the Dominican Republic is Dr Alba Reyes though.

At nearly 10 months you should really see a huge difference in most of the transplanted areas. Crown's can take longer to fill in, but you'd expect to see decent progress by now. Probably more than anything you need to stabilise your hair loss at this point. And don't attempt a second surgery on the cheap if things don't pan out how you wanted by 12-18 months. Most people can just about get away with an inadequate first surgery as long as it's not a disaster (yours isn't!). But two bad ones and you're out of grafts.

Thanks for the response and kind words.

I agree, the HT isn't a disaster but I was certainly expecting more..

In the photos we're I'm wearing a orange shirt I think my hair looks the best.

It looks thick and you can't see the balding areas as much.

It was cut short (scissors only) but not as short as it's cut now (my reason to go with a number 4 was to see if the areas that are not growing would "catch up" so to speak). 

No on finasteride. I've never taken it due to concerns over the side effects.

I'm scheduled to have a video consult with the doctor on Wednesday. I'm going to ask about these lagging areas.

Are there Any specific questions (besides the obvious) i should ask?


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MPB is progressive so perhaps as the new grafts have taken, existing hair may have continued to miniaturize. Even so without being on medication your hair will continue to miniaturize so it's my opinion that you should speak with your doctor and try finasteride and minoxidil. This will help you get the most out of your hair transplant. For a diffuse Norwood 6 area to cover, 4,000 grafts will never get the density that you are looking for. All the best.

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4 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

MPB is progressive so perhaps as the new grafts have taken, existing hair may have continued to miniaturize. Even so without being on medication your hair will continue to miniaturize so it's my opinion that you should speak with your doctor and try finasteride and minoxidil. This will help you get the most out of your hair transplant. For a diffuse Norwood 6 area to cover, 4,000 grafts will never get the density that you are looking for. All the best.

Thank you Gatsby.




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This is the clinic if anyone is interested in knowing.

Scheduled to talk to the doctor tomorrow or Wednesday.










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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 3/27/2023 at 8:58 PM, Gatsby said:

MPB is progressive so perhaps as the new grafts have taken, existing hair may have continued to miniaturize. Even so without being on medication your hair will continue to miniaturize so it's my opinion that you should speak with your doctor and try finasteride and minoxidil. This will help you get the most out of your hair transplant. For a diffuse Norwood 6 area to cover, 4,000 grafts will never get the density that you are looking for. All the best.


I saw my doctor last week. She said that it's not the Grafts but rather the hair I'm losing (as you stated).

She recommends against rogaine as she says it could affect the translated hair??

She did recommend finasteride but I'm unsure about using it due to the side effects.

I am going to continue using rogaine.

I will speak to my doctor about finasteride this week (maybe the topical does not have as severe side effects?)

Why wouldn't they just transplant in the areas where I was losing hair? 

They should have transplanted to the crown and these areas and not spread it thru my head like they did.

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  • 5 months later...
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I started using Finasteride and Rogaine (mixed / liquid solution) ten months after my surgery.

Rogaine 5% and Finasteride at .005% (seriously). Since using it, the "bald spots" have gotten far better and the places where my transplants were not growing are now growing. I have just increased to .0075% Finasteride with the 5% Rogaine and will continue. 

One thing I have noticed is my head is visible thru a lot of my hair....like its very thin...almost like almost all of the transplants grew in but "my" hair (or the hair that was present before the transplant) has not grown back. 

Photos to follow.

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