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What kind of results should I expect from using beard or body hair as donor?

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Hello All,

I had a hair transplant in November. I am pretty pleased with the results so far, as I am nearing the 6 month mark- will post results eventually. I still have thin areas in the crown and top of my head.  My doctor advised that for my 2nd transplant, I might run out of donor from my scalp but I could use hair from my beard and/ or chest. What kind of results should I expect if I do this? I assume the beard hair might grow as long as hair from my scalp but definitely not the chest hair. Also, do I have to use only beard hair from under the chin( where my doctor suggests)? I have a pretty thick beard and would prefer taking it from my neck, since I have so much and always shave that area anyway.  Are there risks to that? Obviously any neck scarring would be more visible compared to under the chin.

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I was just looking for general answers but here are some pics anyway. I used to shave my head before my first transplant (3700 grafts), so the progress ( I'm at 5 months) may be difficult to notice. Either I lost more existing hair on the top or my hair on top was thinner than it looked when I shaved my head. Either way, the top and the crown are where I'm looking for more density. I don't know how much remaining donor I have available. I'd need to ask the doctor but I was told beard and body hair are options. How do transplants using beard and body hair usually turn out? 





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  • Senior Member

BH varies between individuals and the regrowth as well as the visual compatibility is unpredictable…it’s always wise to have a small test procedure done before committing to a larger one.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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1 hour ago, Jobroney Baloney said:

Thank you for your replies. It won't be possible to do a test procedure, since my doctor is overseas. How common is it to use beard or chest hair?

It is common to use beard hair as the donor. It is uncommon to use chest hair as they do not grow as long as the scalp hair. Beard hair is usually used as fillers. The results are good. However, beard hair are coarse and grow slower than the scalp hair. The texture and speed of growth vary from person to person. Chest hair are extremely slow to grow and usually do not achieve the same length as the scalp or beard hair.

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