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HairDX Genetic Test


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HairDX Genetic test


Did any one know about this HairDX genetic test? When I went HT surgeon in Denver area she suggested me this test if I want to know whether my hair loss is completely DHT related. Unfortunately this test is available only with prescription and none of the doctors in Denver area are registered with the company who does this test. Is this test gives actual results? Did any one take this test before?



Here is the link to the site:




Any suggestions appreciated





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The HairDX genetic hair loss test tests to see if you are vulnerable to male pattern baldness by examining tiny variances in men called SNPs.


I imagine this test could help determine if your hair loss is genetic, or at least, possibly rule it out. A dermatologist can also perform other tests to rule out and target other possible causes of hair loss too.


Best wishes,



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