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Strip Sergery?

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Ok I went to MHR about 4 mos ago in Houston, and the consultant told me that the best way to get you hair rwtoration done is by cutting strips 1-2" from the back and put it in the front. Is this is tru? I hear a lot of talk about grafts not many people talk about strip sergerys why is that?


Is it really better, or what's the down side?

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  • Senior Member

Ok I went to MHR about 4 mos ago in Houston, and the consultant told me that the best way to get you hair rwtoration done is by cutting strips 1-2" from the back and put it in the front. Is this is tru? I hear a lot of talk about grafts not many people talk about strip sergerys why is that?


Is it really better, or what's the down side?

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Firstly, coming on this site maybe the best choice you have made in your life.


I recommend you NEVER set foot in another MHR office again. (really look into MHR)


Are you sure you understood what they were saying?


The most common way to have a transplant, is to have a strip of hair took from the back of the head, which is then cut into single grafts and placed in the receipt area.

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Yes Max, that is exactly what he was talking about. I have some questions:

1. If they take out 2" wide strip from the back does the length of the back line gets shorter?

2. What is the down side to have a surgery?

3. I have stage 5, nothing in the front and some in the crown, aprox how much would it cost to do it all in one shot?

4. What can go wrong?

5. Does it hurts and if yes for how long

6. I personaly like to wear my hair short is it a problem? I know about the scar, wonder what's the shortes I can cut my hair in the back

There is another doctor here in Houston area dr. Arocha is he any good. so far I herd nothing bad.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Mikey79:

Yes Max, that is exactly what he was talking about. I have some questions:

1. If they take out 2" wide strip from the back does the length of the back line gets shorter?

2. What is the down side to have a surgery?

3. I have stage 5, nothing in the front and some in the crown, aprox how much would it cost to do it all in one shot?

There is another doctor here in Houston area dr. Arocha is he any good. so far I herd nothing bad.


Mike some advice:


Do a ton of research before doing anything.

Look in to what strip surgery means.

What FUE surgery means

What grafts mean

What doctors are considered the best and why

Look at as many peoples pictures as possible

Consider posting your own pictures

Ask lot of questions.

Speak to many patients of the doctors you are interested in

Do not limit yourself to Houston doctors or even Texas doctors.

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I will try to answer your questions the best I can but you really need to speak to a /good/ surgeon. Look at the coalition doctors on this site and you won't go wrong, you can find them here (hairlosslearningcenter.org/content/restoration-physicians/our_physicians.asp)


Most top doctors will make the donor longer rather then wider as to minimise scarring (the wider the area being removed the more likely you are to suffer stretching and bad scarring).


The down side to surgery I feel is the down time while recovering - you may not have the results you hope for and then there is the cost. I'm sure there are a lot more but they were and are my main concerns.


As for your third question, only a consult can tell you - sorry. There are so many factors that come into this, especially with your type of loss. I don't want to dishearten you but Nw 5 is a large area to cover, and it's unlikely you will have enough donor to cover that kind of area, in ONE go (depending on your expections). Though, again like I said - only a consult can answer this (Hasson and Wong seem to be the best at very large sessions). There is however no getting around the fact, with your type of loss to get the best results - it is going be very expensive.


As with any surgery there are things that can go wrong but these are rare and best discussed during your consult.


I personally had no pain, however, people report of pain in the donor area for the first week or so. (this seems to be the case more so when staples are used to close the cut)


From what I've read the shortest you are going to want to cut your hair is a number 3, until the redness goes in the donor area

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Originally posted by Mikey79:

Thank you for advice. How do I find the top doctors on the page you provided? Also I guess my question i it wort it, what are the ratio of people that are hapy post op vs. that are not? anyone?


Some of the highest reputation doctors I have read about are Feller, Rahal, Hanson and Wong, Cooley, and Shapiro (to name a few).

This is a really important decision so you should invest many hours of research speaking to patients and looking at pictures.

I cant tell you what percentage are happy. There are many happy patients and many with huge regrets. That is why I'm stressing research so much to you. Read the patients results forum. Read the patients experience forum. Click on peoples web blogs.

By the way like you I'm from Texas but I actually traveled to another country (Canada) to get my HT. Please do not limit yourself to Houston unless you know of a really great doctor there that is well proven. It could be a mistake to chose your doctor by who is closest to where you live. When I say well proven I do not mean by pictures the doctors website may provide.

Please feel free to ask every question that comes in your head. icon_smile.gif

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On the page linked above, scroll down and the photos on that page are all of the top doctors. Any of them would be a good choice (well, there is one who I personally don't feel should be on there, but as you are in the States - you probably won't be visiting him anyway).


I think the vast majority of people who visit a top surgeon are happy with the results, but you are always going to get some that are not (usually this is because their expections were too high).

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Thank you Wantego, I am doing research has been for the past 4 month now. And I am loo,king at other peoples pictures before and after so far I am not very happy with what I see, but I think that is because I wear my hair relativly short and when i see a long hair it looks weird to me period. No offence to anyone.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Mikey79:

Thank you Wantego, I am doing research has been for the past 4 month now. And I am loo,king at other peoples pictures before and after so far I am not very happy with what I see, but I think that is because I wear my hair relativly short and when i see a long hair it looks weird to me period. No offence to anyone.


Mikey you should consider making a web blog so we can see what you are looking at. You can either block your face or crop your face out if you have any privacy concerns.

If you are already a nw 5 and wear your hear real short have you considered just clippering it without a comb or shaving it off?

How many grafts did the people at MHR tell you that you would need?

How old are you? 30?

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Originally posted by Mikey79:

I just created a web blog. Although the pic now is not how much hair I would have if I had more. Don't have much of a choice so I wear it really short now.

Can you post a link to your blog page? icon_smile.gif

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