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TheKMan's 1 and 1.5 Month Update


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Hi All,


Sorry for staying away - I've been busy with work lately and the "do" hasn't really been exciting enough to show off icon_smile.gif


In any case, here are some pics from 1 Month and 1.5 Month post-op. The scar is difficult to spot, but still has some redness left but I haven't taken any pics recently. Look for those in the 2 month update.


The transplanted hair are always expected to fall off but I still have some hair left which must mean I haven't had much (or very little) shock loss. What do you guys think?


Also, the pimples have started showing up. Is this too early? Just the right time? Too late?


Had one question for those of you who have used concealers and other options - I have an event in December during which I would like to hide the baldness on top as much as I can. Looking at my pictures, what options would you guys recommend? I've started looking into Dermmatch - any thoughts?


Please feel free to comment. Thanks all!


95610463_A1FF3EB61E6047A879E94D54F87F151B.jpg.thumb 85610463_224F7362F2391ED5FDA09286C6B95FBC.jpg.thumb 76610463_61B716E4D1B27018AB46C7FFF5B8C2F8.jpg.thumb 66610463_7689CF32929F9B5F368C33C34CE6F18D.jpg.thumb 56610463_3DE7CAE5A91F47D212DDDE4BC0FC3ACA.jpg.thumb 46610463_F3657E1A2999CD5F83F2C684EE222FBC.jpg.thumb 36610463_08AF6D734023EE0C4D79785388C38138.jpg.thumb 26610463_BB0D6C29B2FE1B35B7D29984EEC8F4FE.jpg.thumb 16610463_69809092CD6424B50616D16109DAB6D4.jpg.thumb



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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


Sorry for staying away - I've been busy with work lately and the "do" hasn't really been exciting enough to show off icon_smile.gif


In any case, here are some pics from 1 Month and 1.5 Month post-op. The scar is difficult to spot, but still has some redness left but I haven't taken any pics recently. Look for those in the 2 month update.


The transplanted hair are always expected to fall off but I still have some hair left which must mean I haven't had much (or very little) shock loss. What do you guys think?


Also, the pimples have started showing up. Is this too early? Just the right time? Too late?


Had one question for those of you who have used concealers and other options - I have an event in December during which I would like to hide the baldness on top as much as I can. Looking at my pictures, what options would you guys recommend? I've started looking into Dermmatch - any thoughts?


Please feel free to comment. Thanks all!


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TheKman, you are right where you should be at this stage. You are officially in the holding pattern known as the doldrums. So, sit back, rid yourself or mirrors, and let the waiting begin.


Pimples have been the bain of my journey thus far. Yours are showing up about the same time mine did. I am about one month ahead of you and enjoy pimples everyday still. I think I am going to begin naming them the same way we name hurricanes every hurricane season!!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Everything looks completely normal at this stage, even the extended postoperative redness.


The next couple months may seem to crawl, especially as you wait for your new head of hair to grow in.


But new hair growth is a gradual process, so try to avoid scrutinizing it in the mirror daily, if you can icon_smile.gif


Keep us posted on your progress.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by TheKMan:

Thanks for the comments guys. Yep, wish I could get rid of the mirrors...they are all over my house. I'm trying to keep as busy as I possibly can. Here's hoping the next 2-4 months go by quicker than the last 2.



Great strategy to keep yourself busy. The next thing you know new hair will be all over the place. I did the same as you before my HT. I kept myself so busy that i did not have time to think and have anxiety about HT.

Keep posting your progress. Happy growth.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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