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Procedure with Shapiro Medical Group upcoming!


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A little background.


I have a 4,000+ surgery coming up in two months with Dr. Josephitis at Shapiro Medical Group and frankly have been thinking about it non stop for the last 10 months. I am a 5a, and looking to cover the front half, leaving the crown mainly open. I am currently wearing a hair system - which blows. the system, FYI, is very thin and my scalp shows through in any type of lighitng so as to prepare for transitioning away from system.This HT is the first step in the way of ditching this thing - atleast reducing the size to just my crown until I'm ready for procedue #2. SMG has informed me that I can wear the system after the procedure once 8-10 days have passed, as the grafts will have settled by then. Obviously, using clips so as to not adhere to the implanted area, with the idea that I will take it off at night, weekends (if possible), and obviously while I sleep.


As for regrowth, it is my understanding that assuming I follow the Doctors orders, about 20% growth is realized after 3 mos, with 80% of the grows surfacing by month 6, but only 50%-60% of the overall cosmetic appearance will have taken affect at that time. Again, obviously this varies, but I want to make sure I'm understanding all of this correctly.


Thank you!

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