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This man presented to our clinic in 1997 at the age of 47, and had three procedures done at the time totaling 2400 grafts (1270 FU's and 1610 DFU's). It is now 21 years since his first session and 18 years since his last one. He is from the western United States and returned recently to bring his son in for his first hair transplant. It gave us the chance to take some photos of how his hair has held up over those 21 years. We presented him a few years back in the "show-and-tell" portion of the annual ISHRS convention to the doctors attending the meeting in San Francisco that year. The photos with the light blue background were taken around 2 years after his last session, and the photos with the light green backdrop were taken just a couple of weeks ago.

Mike Beehner, M.D.









  • Senior Member

Looks like he's holding up pretty well and will still be happy from now til he do part.


Ah...I well remember my dad bringing me in for my first, uh...never mind!

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.


This has really held up well over the decades. I'd also like to know if he uses meds - if not, he's been so fortunate in that the side hair doesn't appear to have dipped at all over the years despite his advanced loss in his forties. Nice work.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.


Dr. Beehner, what a significant difference in the before and after pictures. I’m very impressed but then again, I’m always impressed. Keep up the fantastic work as usual.


Best wishes,



  • Senior Member

We are NOT seeing the top nor the back of his head - I suspect he is still massively bald from mid-scalp to crown.

  • Senior Member

Sorry about the bad math. It should have read 2880 grafts in total. At that time in my career I did use a lot more DFU and TFU grafts, so that, besides the 1270 FU's listed, multiplying the 1610 MFU's times 2.5 (equal ratio of triple FU and double FU grafts) would give 4025 FU's, for a total of around 5295 FU's. Over the past 10-15 years around 70-80% of the grafts placed are individual FU grafts and 20-30% are MFU grafts (mostly DFU's).


Since I have difficulty in adding photos to an add-on message, I will post the following four photos in a new post.

I will post a photo of the patient from the top and also a photo from the rear when he first came to me, another photo (blue background) of him around 3 years later, and finally (with light green background) a recent photo from the rear, which definitely shows enlargement of the vertex region.

Mike Beehner, M.D.

  • Senior Member
We are NOT seeing the top nor the back of his head - I suspect he is still massively bald from mid-scalp to crown.



Absolutely, but that's to be expected with only 2.8k grafts and that level of loss.


The massive comb-over gives the illusion of coverage but that's likely it. It's certainly held up well but that's to be expected. Still, interesting to see such an old result.

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