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I wonder if somebody could help me. I did due viligance, got in touch with previous patients and read lots of reviews before deiceding on a clinic in Budapest, called the hair palace. I have to say everything went perfect like all their reviews stated. Driver pickup at airport, lovely apartment for the duration and a great experience in a lovely clinic. The doctor did the whole procedure for the two days along with two technicians and I did have full faith as it was the same doctor that did the procedure on at least 3of the 4 people I contacted and their results were amazing. I am now 8 days post op and I’ll attach photos.


I don’t know the graft breakdown but I know I had 7042 hairs implanted by Fue and I did know in advance that I would need at least two HTs to cover what I need. This first surgery was just to set up a hairline and fill up to zone 2 over a two day surgery.


All was great but when the redness has started to fade and my hair has started to grow (my native hair faster than the transplanted), I am beginning to see quite a gap between recipient and native hair. I have attached a few photos for you to see.

I’ve sent off my 7 days photos as they requested yesterday and made a point of saying I wasn’t sure about this gap and I’m now just waiting to hear back.


I was just wondering if anybody out there has had a similar experience or am I worrying for no reason. I’m now at the stage where I look in the mirror nearly every 30 mins, I’m more anxious than I was before the treatment.

It just looks strange and I worry that as my hair gets longer it will look worse, or even if I get it buzzed down in a few weeks that the gap will still show. I do know that in a few weeks it will all start to drop out anyway but when it grows back will it look strange.


Anyway thanks for taking a look and any advice would be great.





  • Senior Member

By the time the existing hair grows out and your newly transplanted hairs grow in 3-4 months, you should be fine. I doubt if any gap is noticeable. For further comparisons, my hair loss was very similar to yours. If you go to my website archives from September 2012, you can see daily pictures and narratives regarding my entire hair transplant experience. I think you will find plenty of similarities. Hang in there, quit looking in the mirror so frequently, and be patient. You have a lot to look forward to in several months. Check out my pictures at MyFUEhairtransplant.com but keep posting updated pictures periodically on this website.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

  • Regular Member

Cheers John,

Thanks for putting my mind at ease. I’ll go and take a look at your site now.

I know what you mean though, I can’t stop looking in the mirror. I just need to calm down and be patient but with it being my first time and not knowing anybody else that has had it done, im just a bit anxious.


  • Senior Member

It’s very hard NOT to look in the mirror...too often. Your best monitor of success will be close friends and family members who know you have had the procedure done. Those that see you about every 3-4 weeks will be the best at monitoring your progress, especially after several months when the new hairs start popping through. Be patient and keep us posted on your progress.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

  • Regular Member

Yeah, I’ll keep posting updates as and when there looks like change. My hair is growing at such a fast rate at the moment, it will be such a shame when it starts shedding. I’ve rather got used to having hair again, but I do know it is inevitable.


The novelty will more than likely wear off when it starts to shed and I won’t look in the mirror half as much anyway but your right, the reaction of other will be a good gauge.



  • Regular Member

Just a quick update. The hair is still growing and the gap between the native and transplanted hair is getting smaller. I can still see it but I do think in time it will grown together. Problem is that it will probably be just at the point it all start to shed.

But all is looking good so far.


  • Senior Member
Just a quick update. The hair is still growing and the gap between the native and transplanted hair is getting smaller. I can still see it but I do think in time it will grown together. Problem is that it will probably be just at the point it all start to shed.

But all is looking good so far.


looks pretty good . I am sure you will have a positive outcome

  • Senior Member

If you have your hair shaved to a 2 guard, of course every little detail will be noticeable (but people don't get HT's to shave down to stubble). However, once you actually grow it out? Won't be noticeable at all.

  • Senior Member

I agree with both “matt”s above. Looks like you’re healing nicely. Let that donor area grow a bit and continue to keep us posted with monthly updates.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

  • Regular Member

Thanks for all your observations and advice on this. Yes, I do feel a little better about it now its started to grow a little. I will get the HT clinic to take a look when I go back for stage 2 in a years time but all is looking well so far. The redness is dying down a little and the donor area has started to settle. Just waiting for it to start dropping out now!!!

  • Regular Member

Just checking in to post my 3 week check up photos. The shedding has just started, albeit slowly, the photos actually look worse than I do in real life with the overhead light glaring away.

So far so good.


I was wondering if I should ask to rename the title thread to, My 2295 graft FUE at the Hairpalace and get it moved to the patients section or start a new thread there.

If a mod could help. Originally I just needed advice but now it’s turning into a diary.




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