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I had a hair transplant about 25 years ago (!) when I was in my early 20s. I couldn't afford to revisit this for many years afterwards, so never had further work done as the hair loss continued. I am now left with several areas of transplanted hair on the top of my head after the rest of my hair vanished around it.


When I had this done I was receding at each temple and on the top, so the transplant sites are in a block at each temple, and (which I didn't realise at the time because it was surrounded by existing, though thin, hair) two almost parallel lines (maybe 0.5cm apart) arching across the top of my head from side to side. These look particularly artificial. The transplanted hairs are all vertical so they stick straight up.


I would like to reduce how ridiculous this looks by clipping my hair short (probably #1), but I have noticeable scarring on the donor sites that are visible if I have my hair any shorter than about #6. These scars are a series of smallish circles in three rows, with one block on one side of my head and another at the back. Other than that the hair at the sides and back is pretty thick.


Does anyone know whether it's possible to have these scars removed/reduced enough to enable me to cut my hair short? I've had a bit of a browse on the web and have found a transplant clinic in London (theprivateclinic.co.uk) that has a single line that says "Scars resulting from injuries or previous surgeries can also be corrected", but it gives no details whatsoever apart from that.


Any advice would be gratefully received. :)


Scars can never truly be "removed", only replaced, because every time the skin is cut a scar will form. They can however be reduced, cosmetically speaking, by cutting them out in various ways or inserting hair into them using the FUE technique. The latter is what most clinics mean by "correcting" old scars.


There is also the option of scalp micro-pigmentation, which is similar to tattoo, but putting real hair into the scar is the best way to camouflage them. In fact, some of the hairs in the front that you have considered shaving could be placed into these scars so you can potentially kill two birds with one stone.

Online representative for Dr. Bernard Arocha


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I'm in the uk and had bad surgery here in 1998. Please do as much research as you can, your situation can be improved but don't just go to the first clinic that you find on google or in a magazine. In the uk I like Dr Ball from The Maitland clinic and Dr Farjo. You shouldn't limit yourself to the uk though, try not to let cost be a factor when getting repaired, if you can't afford it straight away then wait or get a loan but don't pick the cheapest, pick the best. I had repair work done from 2009-2012 and although I don't 100% feel perfect, I don't think about my hair anymore.


Thanks to both of you for the advice. It sounds like it's worth taking this further, then. :-)


I haven't heard of the Maitland clinic, but I'll have a look at what they say.

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