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  • Regular Member

Hi all


Finally I am about to take the jump, after many years of standing on the sidelines.


I have attached a pic of the area I want to cover. My initial consultation was generally positive and I'm happy with the surgeon but I don't have the best donor area so am limited to 1800 - 2000 grafts.


This would be FUE.


I am concerned that I might not achieve full coverage. I am willing to try because frankly I have no other choice except perhaps a hairpiece - and I don't really want that.


Would 1800 grafts be enough to cover my bald patch?


  • Senior Member

No, 1800-2200 is way to few grafts.

If you do not believe me, please contact other clinics (you should do this anyway) and do the math yourself. Measure the area and divide by the FU.



- Maybe you can do more than this clincis thinks

- Maybe you can do more with FUT

- If this is all you can get than you have to stick to the hairline or the less is more approach with FUE + SMP


Read my thread about diffuse thinning: I am quoted a higher # of graft for a much smaller area by some top clinics.


Wait, read, educate yourself, contact reputable clinic...




How old are you and are you taking medication?


I personally don't think it would be enough for good density but if you are looking to cover a bit of the skin then it would do that. my only concern would be that the crown is like an abyss and you can throw many grafts at it can still look weak. my plan is to give up on the crown and focus on the frontal third/vertex as this is what really affects my confidence and appearance.


Is your front strong?



  • Regular Member

I'm 44 and not on any meds. I gave up on the meds - Fina and Minox - years ago because I didn't see any real difference.


I also think 2000 grafts won't be enough, but I'm kind of resigned to getting as much coverage as I can and then using fibres as a top up. I feel disappointed that I'm having to do this, but I really don't want a hairpiece.


Animo: Frontal is OK - not great but I can get by. Considering my age I mean.


Gasthoerer : thanks, I will look out for your thread. And getting a 2nd opinion is a good idea.

Can i ask what you mean by "- If this is all you can get than you have to stick to the hairline or the less is more approach with FUE + SMP" ?


(I know what SMP is but what's best way of making this work in my case)

  • Senior Member

1800 grafts wouldn't even be close to enough to cover what looks to be a very large balding area. Some men who lose hair at the crown have quite a narrow balding zegna near while others, like you, unfortunately have a wide expanse of bald scalp and this requires a large number of grafts to fill. It is well established that crowns at the best of times need a high number of grafts to give adequate coverage.


It would be a good idea to take some more photos from other angles. Sometimes the balding zone extends downward into the donor area and it's not clear if that's the case with you.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

  • Regular Member

Hi Matt, yes the hair loss extends into the donor area, hence why the doc reckons I'm limited to 1800 - 2000 grafts. He had a good look so I have no reason to distrust him.


Not sure what to do now.


Would FUT yield more grafts than FUE?


Otherwise do I go ahead but with the realisation that I will only get thin/medium density coverage on my bald area?

  • Senior Member



If you went ahead with SMP to the crown area and then followed this up with FUE getting as much scalp grafts as possible with the option of supplementing these with beard/chest grafts then there is no reason if all goes as planned why your final result will not create the illusion of a full crown.


However, as mentioned it would be useful to see pics of your entire scalp to see whether your limited grafts can be used more effectively elsewhere on your scalp.

  • Senior Member

Agree with what has been said, 1,800 will not be nearly enough and that amount is only good for beefing up the immediate hairline area for example as a reference of what 1,800 grafts could be used for.


Also the crown is often referred to as black hole as it eats up a ton of grafts to do it right, including recreating the natural swirl.

Dr. Wong and Dr. Feriduni excel at the crown so maybe consult with them for how many grafts would be required to do it right.


Also boosting up the front and midscalp area and then growing it long would help with the frontal framing of your face (can't see the front in your pics) and also help conceal some of the crown area at the same time.


And I agree a combo of FUE/SMP could be a way to address the area without using up too many grafts.

However at the very least though the midscalp will need to be addressed due to the large balding area

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

  • Senior Member

FUT would normally be the best way forward for loss of the kind that you have, but of course you have to consider whether you want to opt for that surgery type. It would be worth trying out a complete buzz down and also thinking about what SMP could do to cover the area in combination with that kind of short cut.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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