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  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

Hello friends!


Im 30 years old


Just had a Hair transplant FUE done by Dr Demir - Turhair and i figured i would share it with you.


I am very lazy to write evertyhing about me and my experience but i had a great trip and i can only say good things about Dr Demir and his team.


They treated me very good i was very happy whole procedure. Also Dr Demir is a great surgeon and i felt safe and confident during the whole procedure.


Hair transplantation procedure before and after photographs also here information


Hair Transplant Sessions: 1


Grafts Implanted in session one: 3420


Surgical Procedure: FUE


thanks for reading! :)




Edited by manalyse
  • Regular Member

thanks for comments :) the procedure was 20 months ago ..Also my cousin had an operation with Dr.Demir next day after me ,he has perfect result too i hope he will share to here and this will help you more.if you have any questions feel free to ask..

  • Regular Member

I am sorry, that I will say that, but I think there is something suspicious.I've seen many others Dr. Demir results and they are not good at all.

  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)
I am sorry, that I will say that, but I think there is something suspicious.I've seen many others Dr. Demir results and they are not good at all.

i am sorry that but i have something suspicious about you too :) i have seen many others Dr.Demir results and they are very good one is my cousin other is my best friend :)

also i did not find other results for Dr.Demir - Turhair in this forum maybe you mean other doctor Dr.Erkan Demirsoy ?

ofcourse i respect your opinion there is no doctor all results are %100 perfect..


Here is Dr.Sirac Demir


M. Sirac Demir, MD | Hair Loss Doctor Istanbul | ISHRS


Dr. Sirac Demir - FUE Europe


here is forum searching results :)


Edited by manalyse
  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

Hello again friends now i will share my cousin photos with me before the operation with Dr.Sirac Demir / Turhair also before/after photos

I wondered which is better result for you :D many thanks again

Edited by manalyse
  • Regular Member

I am from Bulgaria and most bulgarians go to Dr. Demir, because he have preferential prices for bulgarians.I am not 100% sure, but I've heard something like up to 3000 grafts the price is 1500 euros, but I am not impressed by the results I have seen.

The result that manalyse shows us is very nice and it makes me think there's something wrong.

But this is my own opinion and don't make anyone to believe me.

  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)
I am from Bulgaria and most bulgarians go to Dr. Demir, because he have preferential prices for bulgarians.I am not 100% sure, but I've heard something like up to 3000 grafts the price is 1500 euros, but I am not impressed by the results I have seen.

The result that manalyse shows us is very nice and it makes me think there's something wrong.

But this is my own opinion and don't make anyone to believe me.

Dear my friend , i am from Bulgaria too but living out of Bulgaria i think that most Bulgarians go to Dr.Demir because he has best results and price also member of ISHRS and FUE EUROPE .. I see that and around me many good results also i did not go to the him for the cheap price (price was 3000 euro maybe the price is cheap for others and for you) i mean before i saw one of my friend result after i was decided to go. Some patients will be happy some patients will be not happy with results there is no %100 satisfied patients around the world or there is no doctor %100 success results but do not forget results are not only depend of doctor there are many factors for the get good result forexamples : quality of donor area ,smoking,drinking using steroids ,after operation correct hair washing ,organism,hormones (DHT),stress also follow the instructions for HT...also if you pay 10000 euro is there a guarantee to get best result ? nobody pushes you , you can choose different doctor and pay expensive price...

this topic is not for your reviews about the doctor it is reviews for our results , we shared our photos and we have some results just want to share our photos for the helping the other patients and if we can help we will be happy..This topic is in the section (Hair Restoration Results Posted by Patients ) or i see wrong ? we are ready for every comments bad or good :)

also if you have own opinion for our results you are welcome but

if you have personal problems with doctor or if you work for other clinics/doctors please share your opinion to other topics and please do not change subject of the topic thanks for your understanding and reading..:)

Edited by manalyse
  • Regular Member
Hold it against me but i think your Cousin's result is better :D actually now i am in Turkey looking for HT ...


no problem maybe you are telling the truth :D

Hello again friends now i will share my cousin photos with me before the operation with Dr.Sirac Demir / Turhair also before/after photos

I wondered which is better result for you :D many thanks again


For me you both have a great results.

  • Regular Member

I keep thinking this thread is fake advertising by dr. Demir himself.The photos of the two men can be find in Internet, I have seen them before.

If it's true, it's just not fair.

There is no point in running any campaign against dr.Demir, I am not troll, everyone can see all my comments, but it's foolish to mislead people like this.

I stop writing, as we say in Bulgaria - everyone has a had on his shoulders.

  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)
I keep thinking this thread is fake advertising by dr. Demir himself.The photos of the two men can be find in Internet, I have seen them before.

If it's true, it's just not fair.

There is no point in running any campaign against dr.Demir, I am not troll, everyone can see all my comments, but it's foolish to mislead people like this.

I stop writing, as we say in Bulgaria - everyone has a had on his shoulders.


ahahah i think really you are forum liar one troll i will report you to admin lets see what will be happen.. Before you wrote that you saw many bad results now we are not real next :))) now i am waiting your comments that our results are not real :)))

Can you find me on internet with my cousin :))) maybe you have seen our photos on before/after photos lets help you :)


you are just working for one illegal cilinic and you are commision agent also you are angry because Dr.Demir show your dirty faces on internet . still do you lie the people and intruduce your clinic like legal still do you introduce your technician like a doctor or are you still lying the Bulgarian patients ? ..am i right mr trol ? you just want to messing with the forum because we have good results what a pitty :) therefore you are so agressive :D


here is my instagram and waiting yours ...who wants my phone number i can give also i can give you too ..can you give mr troll ?



please read carefully all (this is your problem) i know it...

Attention all patients!

The decision on choosing a hair transplant clinic is of utmost importance in determining the success of a hair transplant. We recommend you take into consideration the following factors before deciding:

1. There are two types of hair transplant clinics in Turkey - technician clinics and doctor clinics. In technician clinics, the whole surgery is done by unlicensed technicians. We don’t recommend technician clinics. Most of these clinics come with a doctors name who does not take part in the surgery, so having a doctors name does not ensure that this doctor will actually be involved in the procedure. In doctor clinics, there is a doctor present in the operating room and he is actively involved in the surgical procedure. However, the degree of the doctors involvement differs between clinics.

2. The quality of a hair transplant clinic depends mostly on whether this is a technician clinic or a doctor clinic. In the case this is a doctor clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and the degree of his involvement determines the quality.

3. The cost of a hair transplant usually depends on the quality of the clinic, however there are situations when this is not the case. Low quality technician clinics that have a huge business from having a lot of cheap customers may have a significant marketing budget and a good perceived reputation associated with the marketing. These clinics sometimes charge much higher that the actual quality they offer. On the other hand, doctors with solo practices usually have a limited marketing budget and sometimes can be as cheap as a technician clinic.

You must understand that hair restoration surgery is a very complicated field and the first attempt at doing surgical restoration is very critical, as there is no turning back once it is done.

In this type of technician clinics there is risk to be infected with hepatitis B, C, HIV positive, or other infectious diseases, also during surgery may be complications such as allergic reactions, heart problems. Thus as will undergo surgery without a doctor, you risk your life.

Donor hair is limited and this is very valuable. If it is not used wisely, it is impossible to fix the problem even if a huge budget is used.

Remember, health is the most important, do not leave your health in the hands of unknown persons!

Edited by manalyse
  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

Даже нямам и представа за коя клиника говориш, но щом държиш да ме докладваш, давай.Изобщо не ме интересува кой ходи при Демир и кой не, за мен лично неговите резултати не са ок.Просто, ако това наистина е фалшива реклама от негово страна е глупаво, защото дори и тези 1500 евро, долии не са малко пари, какво остава за повече.

Да, твоите снимки съм ги виждал или в сайта му, или в гугъл като напишеш Демир..нямам представа, не помня, както казах не ме и интересува.

Ако се интересуваш - аз съм се насочил или към Ердоган, или към Лупанзула...някой от тях ли работи в незаконната клиника, за която твърдиш????



I do not even know what clinic you are talking about but when you want to report me, go. I do not really care who is going to Demir and who does not, for me personally his results are not ok. Just if it's really a fake advertisement on his part is stupid, because even those 1500 euros, dollars are not a little money, what's left for more. Yes, I've seen your photos either on his site or in a guilder by writing Demir .. I have no idea, I do not remember, as I said did not interest me. If you're interested - I'm headed either to Erdogan or to Lapanzula ... does any of them work at the illegal clinic you claim ????

Edited by Admin
Translated text
  • Regular Member

write english please the people want to see your real face brat :D and i think you are really forum troll..i do not care what do you think or wherever you go just leave my thread

  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

Ok.I wrote that it's stupid if he lie people here, because for me even 1500 euros are not less money, what's left for more.

The pics which he posted here, I have seen in Demir site or in google wheb you write Demir's name, I am not sure exactly.

Hs claims that I work for some clinic, let's say the name of this clinic.

I am interested in Erdogan and Lupanzula work, are they working in that clinic?

Edited by Bill - Managing Publisher
  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)
Ok.I wrote that it's stupid if he lie people here, because for me even 1500 euros are not less money, what's left for more.

The pics which he posted here, I have seen in Demir site or in google wheb you write Demir's name, I am not sure exactly.

Hs claims that I work for some clinic, let's say the name of this clinic.

I am interested in Erdogan and Lupanzula work, are they working in that clinic?

И не ми викай брат, мършляк такъв.

i think you need psycholog not hair transplant

Edited by manalyse
  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)
Why?Don't I have the right to doubt?

therefore you need psycholog you need doubt therapy :D

really if you want to learn something share your photos we will try to help you this kind of unnecessary talking style or writing will not help you ..we have experience share your photo forget about which doctor best or not for me my doctor is the best because i have very good result it is normal for you maybe other Doctor is the best i respect it.. But do not forget still you do not have result and experince about HT ,learn to write respectfully if you really need help we can give you many advices to get better result but please stop to write like child and messing the thread ok?

Edited by manalyse
Posted (edited)
Why?Don't I have the right to doubt?


i was reading all your messages carefully from begining to end i think you are big provocateur and i do not believe that you are just a patient looking for Surgeon.. What a shame this kind of dirty strategy for anti marketing ...Just Shame on you.. really do you think that someone care your fake opinions ..

i agree that you need psycholog also who send you here to write like that they need too..

Edited by henryg
Posted (edited)
Ok.I wrote that it's stupid if he lie people here, because for me even 1500 euros are not less money, what's left for more.

The pics which he posted here, I have seen in Demir site or in google wheb you write Demir's name, I am not sure exactly.

Hs claims that I work for some clinic, let's say the name of this clinic.

I am interested in Erdogan and Lupanzula work, are they working in that clinic?

И не ми викай брат, мършляк такъв.


read your message again i do not think that you are a Bulgarian maybe Gypsy but not Bulgarian i do not think that you have 5 euro in your packet and i think that you are working for techician clinic because this aggresivity and hateness is not normal there is some reason soon i will share techicians clinic list here everybody will learn the truth..

Edited by henryg

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