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I have PRP scheduled soon with Cooley and was wondering as to post procedural guidelines. I assume, to a degree, that they are similar to those for FUE/FUT, but more lenient. Googling has shown me some basic ones, but there is a lot of variability:


-Avoid ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, oral Vitamin E, ginko biloba, fish oil, etc

-Don't exercise for (x) days (there doesn't seem to be any agreement about this, anything from 3 days to 6 weeks I've seen listed.

-Neck pillow, button up t-shirt, shower cap (I'm flying out, don't want to get folliculitis from the gross plane seat)

-Cooley also suggests some sort of protein shake that his clinic sells, which I'll give a shot


3 questions:

1. Ice: some say it's a good idea, others are against it. When I had PRP on my elbow, the surgeon said it was fine.


2. What's everyone's take on Vitamin E or aloe ointment for after surgery?


3. I have also heard that Minoxidil is supposed to help prevent shock loss for FUE/FUT. What do you all think about this? If you apply it, how long would you wait to start? Anyone have personal experience?


I noted some comments on witch hazel, but I don't think I'm going to mess with it as it's not a common recommendation on surgeons' websites.

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