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  • Senior Member

I'm 10 days Post Op and my hair has been growing out for about 2 months in prep for the procedure. The front of my hair was not shaved prior to the procedure, but since it is uneven I want to go back to shaving my head.


I know to be careful with a hair trimmer on your grafts, but I would be using maybe a 3 or 4 guard.


Here's a current photo. My right temple looks like it's shaved but that's because there was basically no hair there. I'm about to go back to work so I don't want to have a sloppy uneven haircut, but I'm willing to wait another week or 2, as a precaution.


When have you guys been able to shave or even cut your hair near your grafted area?


  • Senior Member

short answer check with your doctor, each clinic has their own guidelines so you can get a bunch of different answers but to be safe trust your doc cause last thing you want is if your result underwhelms in any way is for them to come back at you with you didn't listen to my post op instructions. My first doc told me no clippers til 3 months were up, my current one says no clippers for 6 months. I listened to my 1st doc the first time around and this time listened to my new doc.

  • Senior Member

I also recommend that you check with your surgeon before doing anything.


Some feel that once the scabbing and crusting are gone, that it is ok to do a modest buzz cut as long as the clipper blades are sharp and not dull so that there is not undue cutting tension on the newly grown grafts.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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