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Technical Questions about hairline design and procedure

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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,


I was hoping to get some answers either from any of the forum moderators or surgeons themselves about a couple of things.


Firstly, when placing grafts in the hairline, the very front of the hairline is single hairs, but how far behind this does it start to transition to multiple hairs? For example is it single hairs from the front and singles behind that for a certain distance? Eg one cm behind the hairline is singles then onto multiples.


Secondly, can multiple hairs be transplanted in the hairline by mistaken? I.e can they be extracted thinking they were single hairs, but as they grow turn out to be multiple hairs?


I hope these questions are worded ok


Thanks in advance

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Every hair restoration physician is different however, I have found that the first couple rows which includes at least two or three should be single haired crafts so that the hairline looks as soft and natural as possible. Even if you are transplanting hair in the first row at 50 FU per square centimeters apart, The row behind it will still need to be single hair is because of the shingling a fact. In essence when you stare straight at the hairline, you will be looking at single hair is up to 100 FU per square centimeter because you're looking at the first two rows. The third and fourth rows and going backwards can arguably contain larger grafts for density because they will not be seen from straight on. But honestly, it really depends on your hair characteristics, how much natural hair you still have, etc.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

These are the type of unusual, technical questions that I always enjoy seeing.


There are variables at play: e.g. the number of single hairs which have been harvested from the donor, the size of the recipient area being treated, the intended density and also hair characteristics. Single hairs will normally be placed in the first 2-4 rows, which covers a bit under 1cm of depth into the hairline.


Around 10-15% of hairs are dormant (in the telogen phase) at any one time, so there can be dormant hairs within a graft that aren't visible at the time of surgery. These hairs can end up growing, but if they do then you're talking about a very small number of hairs and this really isn't going to make a difference to how your result looks.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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