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Dr. Lindsey Young guy 12 months out from crown

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Some of you no doubt will see "young guy" and "crown" and start to wondering... and then throw my name in and really wonder why we did this. Well...I've posted for years that the crown is a black hole, sucking up all available grafts...and in particular, I suggest it be a concern addressed in older guys...who KNOW they are not losing all that hair up front.




I still stand by that. This guy has a bit of a unique story though. I'd seen him for a few years, he's on meds, has a mixed hair loss potential due to family variations....and his mother is a physician who I BELIEVE, fully understands that her son will likely need future work. And I believe he understands it too....




So we did a smaller crown case of about 1800 grafts to give good...not excellent--coverage of his crown, saving hair for future use up front. He's delighted with the result and is moving out of the area. His mom is still local so hopefully we'll see him at some point, whether he needs more work or not.




To summarize...I still am conservative on crown work in younger guys and ALWAYS think the front is where the priority should remain. He's got dense donor region and I think we have obided by the philosophy of "Do no harm" while still giving him a good result and increased confidence.




Dr. Lindsey McLean VA









William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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