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Hair Loss at 20?

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Hello Everyone.


I've been experiencing some bad hair loss over the last year. Niether side of my family has had any problems with balding. My father is 58 and a full head of hair, both my grandfathers also passed away with a full head of hair.


I've been experienceing what feels like dandruff for quite some time. (Itchy, red scalp) And my hair has been thinning on the crown and the middle part of my head. However i do not even have a receding hair line and my hair seems perfectly fine at the front.


So basically my question is what could be wrong? It does not run in my family so I have ruled out the hereditaty part.


The only thing I can think of is maybe some crazy stress in my life or something. I just got back from deployment so the only other thing I can think of is some kind of skin irritation i got from Iraq.


So does anyone have any ideas what i can do to help fix my hair loss?

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Hello Everyone.


I've been experiencing some bad hair loss over the last year. Niether side of my family has had any problems with balding. My father is 58 and a full head of hair, both my grandfathers also passed away with a full head of hair.


I've been experienceing what feels like dandruff for quite some time. (Itchy, red scalp) And my hair has been thinning on the crown and the middle part of my head. However i do not even have a receding hair line and my hair seems perfectly fine at the front.


So basically my question is what could be wrong? It does not run in my family so I have ruled out the hereditaty part.


The only thing I can think of is maybe some crazy stress in my life or something. I just got back from deployment so the only other thing I can think of is some kind of skin irritation i got from Iraq.


So does anyone have any ideas what i can do to help fix my hair loss?

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I wouldn't necessary rule out hereditary hair loss, even though it's not evident in your family. However, if you have a scalp infection such as seborrheic dermatitis, psorasis, or even really bad dandruff, you could experience some thinning. Ordinary every day stress does not cause hair loss, though traumatic stress has been known to cause a temporary thinning that typically stops and reverses after a short time.


To narrow down the cause of your hair loss, I'd suggest consulting with a dermatologist.


In the meantime, you may want to consider anti-dandruff shampoos such as Head and Shoulders, or ketoconazole based shampoos like Nizoral or Revita which are even stronger.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

See a doctor no doubt


Hairloss can skip generations , etc.. My dad has hair his brother is a N6? If it is overly red or something similar hopefully it is temporary ..



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2124 FUT - Dr. True

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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member

Iraq=stress. Possibly stress related, short term/temporary hair loss.


On the same token, 'family history of hair loss' is not, by any means, a conclusive lexicon for your uniquely individual genetically programed head. At BEST it's a starting point and general frame which one can hope to build upon. Hair loss, like any other gene, can skip generations and even if everyone that your aware of in your family have had unfathomable heads of hair, that is not to say that you will as well. You could be the exception.


Having said that, I would consult a dermatologist (as other's have stated) and see if there is some underlying condition. If not, join the club of the shiny, gleaming, bald headed men whom take pills which cause their groins to shrink w/the mere *hope* of retaining some of their hair...


life is fun! icon_razz.gif

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