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Narrowed down, but need help

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I posted this in another section, sorry for the double post but I wasn't sure where to put it...


Hey guys, it is very hard to choose a doc but I think I have narrowed it down to Dr. Rahal or Dr. Feller.


Dr. Rahal really struck me with all the positive buzz and amazing hairlines. Dr. Feller also does amazing work.


I'm worried about the scar for strip. How bad do these scars look when you buzz your hair down? I've seen some guys where they are almost invisible, and some where they are not.


Sometimes I almost feel like I should do FUE but the sessions are much smaller and very expensive.


I'm stuck and need advice. Also, if anyone could see my pics and make an estimate about # of grafts I would need, I would greatly appreciate it

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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  • Senior Member

I posted this in another section, sorry for the double post but I wasn't sure where to put it...


Hey guys, it is very hard to choose a doc but I think I have narrowed it down to Dr. Rahal or Dr. Feller.


Dr. Rahal really struck me with all the positive buzz and amazing hairlines. Dr. Feller also does amazing work.


I'm worried about the scar for strip. How bad do these scars look when you buzz your hair down? I've seen some guys where they are almost invisible, and some where they are not.


Sometimes I almost feel like I should do FUE but the sessions are much smaller and very expensive.


I'm stuck and need advice. Also, if anyone could see my pics and make an estimate about # of grafts I would need, I would greatly appreciate it

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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You are narrowing it down to two great docs. If looking for FUE, than you will need to go to Feller as Rahal does not do it at this time. I asked what are the largest sessions done by Feller and I believe it is between 1000 and 1500. I remember your pics and was thinking you may need more than that, but you can get the number you need in two separate FUE sessions.


If you haven't already, you should send pics to both and have telephone consults with the both of them and then make your decision.


Having a scar on the back of my head was also a major issue with me going into having a HT. For my level of loss, I wanted a larger session so strip was the only way to go. Both docs offer tricho which minimizes the size of the scar. I can currently shave down to a #3 and I am about three months out and hoping when the scar fully heals I will be able to get down to a #2-clip.


Let us know if you have consults with both docs! You cannot go wrong with either.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Senior Member

Thanks eman!


I guess the scar is my biggest concern but looking at your pics.. wow! How long after the transplant do they perform tricho? I was hoping to be able to get down to a #4 but you are even better than that!


Im thinking strip is the way to go for me considering financial/# of grafts needed.

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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Tricho closure is used immediately after the strip is removed from the donor area. Essentially, this method of donor area closure allows hair to grow through the scar which further camouflages the scar.


Going to any of the top docs doing tricho closure and having relatively good healing characteristics should allow you to easily shave down to a #4-clip.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Senior Member

IMO, the risk of having a stretch scar is much lower (especially if you are careful for 1 month post-op) than the risk of low growth from a large FUE session, which i think you may need.


In addition, you will probably only need 2000-2500 grafts, so as long as you do lots of scalp exercise before HT, risk of scar stretching is minimal, when compared to someone who needs a 3K or 4K grafts.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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