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Dr. Beehner's practice in Saratoga Springs: A surgeon's perspective!


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I am an experienced veteran in hair treatment and restoration, and here are my credentials; my hair loss pattern is Norwood VIIa! I am a physician with nine years training in surgery and a surgical specialty (15 years if you count medical school, and I am now 3 years in practice), more importantly I am obsessive compulsive about attention to details, precision and quality work specially in health care/cosmetic surgery. I have reviewed all medical literature on hair loss products, have tried most of them (with any scientific merit) and have had six hair transplant operations by four different surgeons over a 15 year period.


My first two transplants were done in Europe, a third was done in North Carolina. Two years after my third hair transplant, I was looking for an experienced hair transplant specialist in New York City (where I did my surgical training). I had interviewed a few specialists in NYC; I met a person in Midtown Manhattan (member of a large national hair transplant company), who used MD and FACS after his name (indicating he is medical doctor and a board-certified surgeon. A physician with FACS has to pass his written and oral national boards in surgery and be three years in practice in good standing), and walked in the consultation room in scrubs just to fool me. Upon a quick background check, I found he was not a MD or FACS. Take-home-message is be VERY careful in picking your Hair Transplant Specialist!


Dr. Beehner was recommended by a transplanted friend in 2004. I looked through his website, saw some before-after pictures, and talked to him a few times. As you may know, he has had hair transplantation, and has dedicated the last 20 years to research and improvement of hair transplantation techniques. He is well respected in the small circle of Hair Transplant Specialists, and has been awarded the Platinum Follicle Award. I will not go into details of his philosophy of hair restoration and his techniques, as the have been covered by other satisfied costumers.


Needless to say that my last three hair transplants were performed by Dr. Beehner, and I will return to him for future needs even if I would move out of country (last two times I flew from West-coast and Nebraska to Saratoga Springs). He is an expert in providing a combination of natural look (he has done some corrections to fix unnatural effect of previous transplants), fullness/coverage and great value. He is a very kind individual interested in providing a great experience to his patients. His team members are all very genuine and professional, as well. I have been very satisfied with the results, and would highly recommend him without any reservation. If you have questions email me at akhoy@lycos.com.

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I am an experienced veteran in hair treatment and restoration, and here are my credentials; my hair loss pattern is Norwood VIIa! I am a physician with nine years training in surgery and a surgical specialty (15 years if you count medical school, and I am now 3 years in practice), more importantly I am obsessive compulsive about attention to details, precision and quality work specially in health care/cosmetic surgery. I have reviewed all medical literature on hair loss products, have tried most of them (with any scientific merit) and have had six hair transplant operations by four different surgeons over a 15 year period.


My first two transplants were done in Europe, a third was done in North Carolina. Two years after my third hair transplant, I was looking for an experienced hair transplant specialist in New York City (where I did my surgical training). I had interviewed a few specialists in NYC; I met a person in Midtown Manhattan (member of a large national hair transplant company), who used MD and FACS after his name (indicating he is medical doctor and a board-certified surgeon. A physician with FACS has to pass his written and oral national boards in surgery and be three years in practice in good standing), and walked in the consultation room in scrubs just to fool me. Upon a quick background check, I found he was not a MD or FACS. Take-home-message is be VERY careful in picking your Hair Transplant Specialist!


Dr. Beehner was recommended by a transplanted friend in 2004. I looked through his website, saw some before-after pictures, and talked to him a few times. As you may know, he has had hair transplantation, and has dedicated the last 20 years to research and improvement of hair transplantation techniques. He is well respected in the small circle of Hair Transplant Specialists, and has been awarded the Platinum Follicle Award. I will not go into details of his philosophy of hair restoration and his techniques, as the have been covered by other satisfied costumers.


Needless to say that my last three hair transplants were performed by Dr. Beehner, and I will return to him for future needs even if I would move out of country (last two times I flew from West-coast and Nebraska to Saratoga Springs). He is an expert in providing a combination of natural look (he has done some corrections to fix unnatural effect of previous transplants), fullness/coverage and great value. He is a very kind individual interested in providing a great experience to his patients. His team members are all very genuine and professional, as well. I have been very satisfied with the results, and would highly recommend him without any reservation. If you have questions email me at akhoy@lycos.com.

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Congratulations on your satisfying hair transplant procedure with the high esteemed Dr. Beehner. Do you have any pictures you can share with us?


I encourage you to document your journey with photos by creating a free hair loss weblog.


Also, what type of surgical experience do you have?


All the Best,



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Hi Bill,


Please expand your question on "type of surgical experience"; what do you mean by that?


I do have some pics, but prefer not to post them, mostly due to time constrains and confidentiality reasons. However, I like to share some of my periop regimen/hair care that reduces inflammation/follicule loss from recepient site:


1) I take Vitamin C 1000 mg po twice daily, Zinc sulfate 200 mg po once daily two days preop and seven days postop(both have shown in surgical literature to reduce postop-inflamation, edema, and promote early healing by collagen crosslink).

2)Stop any "blood thinning" meds for seven days preop (if medically feasable!): bleeding in receipient site may contribute to follicule and ultimately transplant loss (no aspirin, ibuprofen (all NSAIDs such as Naproxen), Coumadin, Plavix, Vitamin E, Ginko, etc.)

3)The first two days I do not touch the receipient site (it takes 48 hours for natural skin coverage of the receipient site). When I shower, I use cold/cool (warm-hot water irritates your scalp!) water shower gently without massaging the area, control the strength and direction of shower head to avoid bleeding and loss of follicules. Graftcyte has a nice Shampoo and conditioner. bothe soothe the site and reduce inflammation.

4)Sleep prone (on your belly) with head elevated with a few pillows for first five days to reduce facial edema

5)Keep receipient site moist (not wet!) ALL the time for first seven days. I recommend Graftcyte moist dressing and Spray (every hour while awake). I use a shower cap to contain the moisture. Graftcyte reduces the redness and inflammation around the recepient site too. If you have no access to it, just spray cool Spring water. Graftcyte has also an ointment for the donor site. Alternatively you may use vitamin E ointment (use after day two after epithelization of scar is concluded) over teh counter available.

6)Use a humidifier for first week, specially in Winter, for reasoned mentioned above.

7)For pain your doctor will give you prescription for codein or similar, I like to use Tramadol; it is non-drousy non-opioid medication without typical side effects. It is not as strong as the opiods but works great without side effects of constipation, nausea, sleepyness etc. The more operation in the donor site, the less tender it will become in the postop period!

8)Prednisone is helpful for reducing facial edema that can happen with larger operations. If happens gently massage your forehead with light ointment and distribute the edema over a larger surface area (so it soes not buldge in one area and the adjuscent forhead is flat...). Remember facial edema looks worst between postop day 3-7, but it is harmless! by following the aformentioned instructions it should shrink significantly.

9)If your donor site feels thight, you may want to consider to remove the stiches/staples a week later (day 15-21). Massage the skin sorrounding the donor site gently to improve elacticity of the posterior scalp. This reduces the chance to widen your scar due to skin tension at the donor site. If you like to remove the stiches late (and your doctor agrees with your idea), make sure it is removed by a professional under good lighting; you dont want any pieces of stich/staple left in place.

10) Wait a year or more before planning another transplant operation. The further more operations you have, the less grafts you are likely to subsequently receive (for good reasons!). Putting a large number of grafts in previously transplanted area is not wise, as the vascular supply to the skin (in previously tranplanted area) is decreased compared to rest of the scalp. And vascular supply is key to graft take and transplant success!


That is my two cents in regard to my experience in perioperative care. Hope its helpful! best of luck and success in your (hairy) endeavors.



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Please expand your question on "type of surgical experience"; what do you mean by that?




You said you have nine years training in surgery. What type of surgery do you perform?


If you are concerned about privacy, you can use any image software to block out your face. I'll even be happy to help you if you want to email them to me at help@hairtransplantnetwork.com.


Best wishes,



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I am a thoracic and vascular surgeon (operating on chest and blood vessels).


I emailed you today four pics before the fourth and sixth operation. You will appreciate the progressive pattern VIIa hair loss in most recent pics.





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