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  • Regular Member

Evening all, quite new to this and just wanted a few opinions on certain matters.. I am 23 years old and have been suffering from thinning in the temple region. (Heridetory)

I started using regaine foam (just in temple area) for about a month now ,once at night before i go to bed, and have noticed my hair deteriorate at a terrible rate over the last two weeks. it seems to be very weak & limp, and comes out sometimes when i run my fingers through the effected temple area. and i am starting to see through my fringe i have been keeping to hide it :S is this something that tends to occur?


I was using alpecin, however i was getting bad dandruff/dry skin - possibly from using the regaine hence i switched to Alpecin double effect about a week ago.


I have pulled my hair back and took a few snaps below.


I have been quite scared to use propecia, due to the side effects i hear aswel as the price and would like to avoid it if possible.


I have been researching Nizoral and wanted to know if this can be used in conjuction to what i am currently using, as I sometimes feel a strange burn/tingly feeling on my scalp possibly from using any of the above?


Any help much appreciated,





  • Senior Member

Welcome to the forum. Judging from your photos it seems like you have quite thick hair in the frontal third of your head. The temple regions are not likely to return with the use of minoxidil or finasteride. Those medications tend to work for the top and back of your head, but still can positively effect the hairline, but it's rare. The shedding you're experiencing is common with the use of minoxidil and finasteride it's a temporary loss that should come back, it tends to happen between 2-4 months of usage and will improve closer to 6 months. If you want to restore your temple regions the only way would be to have a transplant, but with that being said, I don't believe you're a candidate at least from these photos because your hair seems quite good and moving the hairline and temples lower may not be appropriate. If you are noticing thinning throughout the top of your head, I would suggest using the minoxidil on top as well, not only on the temples as that's the area that you should see an improvement and stunt any further hair loss.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

  • Regular Member

thank you very much for your reply, My hair is fairly thick on top and on the back.

Does Regaine tend to make your hair visibly thinner and so fragile that if u run your fingers through, one or two hairs come out? Sorry if im being questionative, i have been going out of my mind with this all of a sudden shred.


Do you think it is a good idea to include Nizoral once or twice a week to relieve the itching, and also isit ok to use Regaine (5%) only once at night before bed?


The reason i dont use it in the morning is that after I have washed my hair, I tend to just pat it done rather than briskly drying with the towel as I am too afraid of what il see in the sink if i do , And i have read that regaine should only be used on absolutely dry hair?

  • Senior Member

Your hair can thin early on so I wouldn't be alarmed, but again for the area that you're applying it, the chances of you actually seeing growth are very unlikely. Using Nizoral wouldn't hurt, but if you're experiencing a lot of itching and redness on the area you’re applying the medication, I would suggest stopping the Rogaine because it may be irritating your scalp and that's not a good thing if it's persistent. You should apply Rogaine foam when your hair is dry, not wet. It's ok to only use it once a day, the chances are greater for seeing regrowth if you use it twice daily.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

  • Regular Member

thanks again,


I am hoping more to control any further receeding rather than regrowing in all honesty, as I think at the moment it is fairly manageable??


I will give nizoral a go maybe once/twice a week and hope for the best i suppose :S Also would it be safe to use alpecin double effect shampoo and nizoral alternatively?


Propecia is also not known to be effective in the temple regions? however could it prevent/control any further shedding?

  • Senior Member

I don't believe these shampoos are very beneficial for you, but something like propecia should help keep as much native hair as possible, just like rogaine, but I have seen better results with propecia as opposed to rogaine. Again, both the medications in most cases do not work in the temple region, but they should help you stop any further loss, but with that being said, some people continue to see their hairlines recede as the medication works best on top and the crown as opposed to the frontal 1/3 of your head.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

  • Senior Member

I'm not sure if you need any medication at this point. Most every non-balding man recedes to a mature hairline in place of his juvenile one - and this includes temples as well. Keep a close eye on it but I don't think you are balding right now.


Also, keep your options open with finasteride. If you do start losing hair then I would get on that right away - but only with positive thoughts. All this fear-mongering about Propecia has caused more side effects than the drug itself.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

  • Regular Member

Thanks for your responses, you guys have reqally managed to clear up things i was sooo unsure about.


I have attached an 'aerial view'....Are you able to distinguish anything from this? Hope its clear enough..


Also isit true that if you cut your hair short, the hair shredding can be reduced, as at the moment i keep quite a big fringe in the front! (or an old folks tale!)


  • Regular Member

really :S.......I have had a blood test to see if im lacking in anything that could cause serious thinning in the front but it came out clear... I think it is due to the use of regaine foam for about a month now, so im hoping it will be restored in the NEAR future as it is becoming a pain especially with the windy days in london these days :S


I also have a question with regards to saw palmetto. Isit effective at combating any further fall of hair? I know it is not seen as a proven method, but i wanted to know if using it would cause any further complications/side effects as im getting quite varied responses on the internet.

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